
Environment Setup

Installation of Unity

The SIGVerse works based on the Unity framework. Please note that the latest version of Unity might cause problems. You need to install the Unity 2018.4.11 as the following procedures:

  1. Execute UnityHubSetup.exe in the USB memory stick.
  2. Open Unity download page.
  3. Click [Unity 2018.4.11]->[Unity Hub] to install Unity using Unity Hub.
    (There is no need to add modules on the add module window)
  4. Click the human icon at the top right of Unity Hub and click [Sign in].
  5. Create a Unity account and sign in.

If you cannot get the files via USB memory stick, please install the Unity Hub as follows:

Setup the SIGVerse Unity Project

  1. Unzip the file "" in "C:\SIGVerse".
  2. Change the folder name from "sigverse_unity_project-master" to "sigverse_unity_project".

Check to Open the Unity Project

  1. Click [Projects]-[ADD] in Unity Hub.
  2. Select the downloaded Unity project ([sigverse_unity_project]->[SIGVerseProject]) and click the [Select Folder] button.
  3. Click [SIGVerseProject] in the project list.

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Last-modified: 2019-11-07 (Thu) 18:32:44 (1897d)