Melodic Edition Backup Grasping with TurtleBot3 automatically †This example is a simple example that automatically grasps an object. TurtleBot3 has OpenManipulator. Object recognition by darknet_ros (YOLO) and Point Cloud data are used. The outline of the operation is as follows.
When the above operation is performed, TurtleBot3 tries to grasp the object as follows:
Please refer to here for the specifications of Open Manipulator. Build Ubuntu environment †In this example, darknet_ros (YOLO) needs to be installed in Ubuntu environment. The procedure is as follows:
Startup Procedure †Start the Ubuntu side and then the Windows side. Ubuntu side startup procedure †Open a new terminal and run the following command: $ roslaunch sigverse_turtlebot3_open_manipulator grasping_auto.launch Windows side startup procedure †Start the [Assets/SIGVerse/ExampleScenes/Turtlebot3/OpenManipulatorSR300(.unity)] scene with reference to here. Run †You can control TurtleBot3 by keyboard operation on the grasping_auto terminal. * Check the terminal for details of the operation. * Because of the high image processing load, the robot's camera image transmission interval is set to 1000 [ms]. If you want to finish, stop the Unity side and then the ROS side. Ubuntu side (The details may differ from the latest version) #ref(): File not found: "TurtleBot3GraspAutoUbuntu.png" at page "Melodic_(TurtleBot3)Grasp Automatically" Windows side (The details may differ from the latest version) #ref(): File not found: "TurtleBot3GraspAutoWindows.png" at page "Melodic_(TurtleBot3)Grasp Automatically" Windows side (grasped "clock") (The details may differ from the latest version) #ref(): File not found: "TurtleBot3GraspAutoWindowsGrasping.png" at page "Melodic_(TurtleBot3)Grasp Automatically" Reference Video (Image recognition is slow because no GPU is used.)
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