- 2017-07-30 SIGVerse received the Open Source Software Award at RoboCup 2017 in Nagoya
- 2017-07-30 Team eR@sers got 2nd place at RoboCup@Home 2017 in Nagoya using by the SIGVerse
- 2017 May: RoboCup@Home Simulation in RoboCup Japan Open 2017
- 2016-10-11 Dr. Inamura made a keynote talk about the SIGVerse project at IROS2016
- 2016-05-27 We will make a demonstration at NII OpenHouse 2016
- 2016-03-27: RoboCup@Home Simulation was held in RoboCup Japan Open 2016
- 2016-03-17: SIGVerse version 2.3.5 has been released. See SIGServer v2.3.5?
- 2015-12-24: SIGVerse version 2.3.2 has been released. See v2.3.2
- 2015-06-25: SIGVerse version 2.3.1 has been released. See v2.3.1
- 2015-05-02: RoboCup@Home Simulation was held in RoboCup Japan Open 2015
- 2015-04-23: SIGVerse version 2.3.0 has been released. See v2.3.0
- 2014-04-27: Sourceforge for the SIGVerse has been opened.
- 2014-03-05: The latest demonstration at ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction was held. The demonstration was invited by the conference.
- 2014-01-14 The latest SIGVerse server SIGServer-2.2.2 has been released.
- 2013-12 Presentation of a research using SIGVerse will be held at SII2013.
- 2013-11-05 Presentation of an application based on SIGVerse will be held at IROS 2013 Workshop on Cloud Robotics
- 2013-09-25 New SIGVerse wiki page has been opened!
- 2013-08-26 We made real-time demonstration at RO-MAN 2013.
- 2013-07-01 We made poster presentation at the RoboCup Symposium about SIGVerse project.
- 2013-06-14 to 15 Demonstration of RoboCup @Home Simulation was shown at NII OpenHouse 2013.
- 2013-05-06 RoboCup@Home Simulation based on the SIGVerse has received the Award of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence at the RoboCup Japan Open 2013
- 2013-05-04 to 06 RoboCup @Home Simulation league was held at RoboCup Japan Open
- 2013-04-18 The latest version v2.2.0 has been released as final update for RoboCup@Home Simulation.
- 2013-03-25 The latest version v2.1.1 has been released for RoboCup@Home Simulation.
- 2013-03-18 Demonstration on RoboCup @home simulation based on the SIGVerse system was held at the symposium on SocioIntelliGenesis.
- 2013-03-04 We presented two poster presentations at the Int'l Conf. on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2013).
- 2013-02-25 The latest version v2.1.0 has been released for RoboCup @Home Simulation held on May 2013.
- 2012-11-24 RoboCup @Home simulation supported by SIGVerse was be presented at RoboCup @Home Camp 2012.
- 2012-11-21 Latest SIGVerse (SIGserver v121121 and SIGViewer v2.0.3) have been released. It supports RoboCup @Home Simulation.
- 2012-11-03 SIGVerse services such as wiki, SIGServer and so on will be stopped due to power resource maintenance. We will start them around noon on 5th Nov.(JST)
- 2012-11-01 New version (2.0) has been released!
- 2011-10-24 Presentation on SIGVerse at RSJ Seminar
- 2011-06-02 Twitter Account @SIGverse starts to tweet
- 2011-06-02 A poster presentation was held at NII OpenHouse
- 2011-01-17 Tutorial of SIGVerse (in English) will be held at Hitotsubashi, NII
- 2010-12-22 A paper on SIGVerse received Best Paper Award Finalist on 2010 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration
- 2010-10-18 Tutorial of SIGVerse (in English) was held at Hitotsubashi, NII
- 2010-10-04 Tutorial of SIGVerse was held at Chiba Annex, NII.
- 2010-06-03/04 Demonstration on SIGVerse at NII Open House
- 2010-05-15 Reviews paper of SIGVerse was published on Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan (in Japanese)
- 2010-05-03 The SIGVerse was introduced by Nikkei Business Daily. (in Japanese)
- 2010-04-02 The SIGVerse was introduced by The Science News. (in Japanese)
- 2010-03-25 The SIGVerse was introduced by Nikkan Kougyou Simbun. (in Japanese)
- 2010-03-24 Proto-type of the SGIVerse was released.
- 2010-03-09 Demonstration of SIGVerse on Information Processing Society of Japan 50th Anniversary, 72nd National Convention of IPSJ.
- 2010-03-03 Invited talk of SIGVerse on Degital Human Symposium 2010 by AIST.
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