SSH Connection by SIGViewer

If you cannot use general port numbers such as 9000, you should use port forwarding. In this tutorial, a way to establish the port forwarding using the SIGViewer, is introduced.

※This function is unfortunately unstable. If you can use general port forwarding method such as using Cygwin, it is recommended.

Configuration of RSA key

The SIGServer has authorization function based ond RSA public key to communicate with the SIGViewer. If you already have a RSA public key, you don't need to create new key; please go to (Set of the public key)

Creation of RSA public key

First, create the both of public key and private key based on open-ssh. Save the private key as "id_rsa", the public key as "".

If you use openssh on cygwin, the following command will create the keys.

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa

Set of the public key on a server

You should put your public key on the server machine on which the SIGVerse is execute. If you don't have root permission, please ask your administrator.

If you don't have .ssh directory on your home directory, create it.

$ mkdir ~/.ssh/

Add your public key to the authorized_keys

$ cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
$ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Set of the private key on a client PC

Put your private key at the following directory under the directory you installed the SIGViewer

(A install directory of SIGViewer)\SIGViewer\.ssh\

If you use a 32bit Windows, the (A install directory of SIGViewer) is C:\Program Files\SIGViewer_<version>

If you use a 64bit Windows, the (A install directory of SIGViewer) is C:\Program Files (x86)\SIGViewer_<version>

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Last-modified: 2014-01-13 (Mon) 05:31:13 (3753d)