If you want to use MySQL, you will need to build a MySQL Server. The details are omitted, but the outline is as follows.
Install MySQL Community Server. Operation confirmed with version [8.0.25].
You can download MySQL product from here. (Archived Versions here)
It can be installed using the MySQL Installer for Windows.
Setup Type: Developer Default
MySQL Root Password: Any
Connect to the MySQL Server using MySQL Workbench.
Paste the following command into the Query field.
CREATE USER sigverse@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'sigverse';
GRANT ALL ON sigverse.* TO sigverse@'%';
USE sigverse;
CREATE TABLE `playbacker_motion_data` (
`recording_id` int NOT NULL,
`elapsed_time` int NOT NULL,
`data_type` int NOT NULL,
`motion_data` text NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`elapsed_time`,`data_type`,`recording_id`)
Execute [Query]-[Execute (All or Selection)].
In the SIGVerse setting window, set to use MySQL.
Click [SIGVerse]-[SIGVerse Settings] in the Unity menu to open the SIGVerse setting window.
Check [Use MySQL] in [Define symbols Settings].
Since an error occurs in the [Console] tab of the Unity editor, add the MySQL library to the Unity editor.