Publications of SIGVerse

  • JSME Robotics and Mechatronics Conference 2009,2009-05-26.
  • The 23rd Annual Conference of The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 2009-06-18
  • The 27th Annual Conference of the Robotic Society of Japan, 2009, 2009-09-17
  • Takashi Hashimoto, Tetsunari Inamura, Tomohiro Shibata and Hideaki Sena: "Combining constructive and realistic simulations:Development of SIGVerse as an integrative simulator for sociointelligenesis," 4th International Nonlinear Science Conference(INSC 2010), March, 2010.
  • 橋本 敬,稲邑 哲也,柴田 智広,瀬名秀明: "社会的知能発生学における構成論的シミュレーションの役割とSIGVerse の開発," 日本ロボット学会誌(解説記事),Vol.28, No.4, pp.407--412, May, 2010. PDF
  • Tetsunari Inamura et al: "Simulator platform that enables social interaction simulation --SIGVerse: SocioIntelliGenesis simulator--," IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, pp.212--217, 2010. (Best Paper Finalist Award)PDF


  • 2009-05-26 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会?
  • 2009-06-11 国立情報学研究所オープンハウス
  • 2009-06-18 人工知能学会全国大会?
  • 2009-10-11 IEEE/RSJ Int'l Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systemsの Workshop on Mobiligence: Social Adaptive Functions in Animals and Multi-Agent Systemsでの招待講演
  • 2010-03-03 デジタルヒューマンシンポジウム2010での招待講演(稲邑哲也:SIGVerse:社会的知能発生学シミュレータ~身体的運動・認知と社会的コミュニケーションの統合システム~)
  • 2010-03-09 情報処理学会創立50周年記念全国大会「今ドキッのIT」におけるSIGVerseのデモンストレーション


Attach file: fileSIGVerse_JRSJVol28No4.pdf 1910 download [Information] fileSIGVerse_SII2010.pdf 1922 download [Information]

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Last-modified: 2011-09-04 (Sun) 09:39:53 (4797d)