This is a simple tutorial introducing how to connect SIGVerse to Mysql database.

The example below is created on windows 7 64 bits and Visual studio 2010, the aim is to send the name of an object as a message from the controller to the service provider, then connect to the database to retrieve the target.

Installation of mysql server

Installation on ubuntu:

  • To install mysql server on ubuntu:
$ sudo apt-get install mysql-server

Now mysql server is installed on your server.

Some basic commands:

  • To access the database:
    • as root:
      $ mysql
  • as simple user:
    $ mysql -u username -p
  • To list the existing databases:
    $ show databases;
  • To create a new database named "sigverse":
    $ create database sigverse;
  • To create a new table named "bottle":
    $ use sigverse;
    this will switch to sigverse database, then:
    $ CREATE TABLE bottle  (name char (50), material char (50), target char (50));
  • To insert a new item in table:
    $ INSERT INTO bottle VALUES ('coca','plastic','pet_bottle');
  • To select data from a table:
    $ select target from bottle where name = 'coca';

Installation of MySQL Connector/C++

Download and extract the Connector/C++ source code.

  • Building MySQL Connector/C++ using visual studio: Download and install Cmake.
    • 1) open a new command line and change the location:
      $ cd C:\path_to_mysql_cpp
    • 2) Run CMake to generate build files for your generator:
      $ cmake -G "Visual Studio 9 2008"
    • 3) Open the newly generated project files in the Visual Studio GUI or use a Visual Studio command line to build the driver. The project files contain a variety of different configurations, debug and nondebug versions among them.

Creation of the service provider

Add dependencies

  • First, you have to download boost and sigverse libraries?.

Includes dependencies:

  • Open Visual studio 2010 and add new C++ empty project.
  • Go to : Project -> References -> Configuration Properties -> C/C++, in "Additional Include Directories", add the following dependencies:
    • C:\boost
    • PATH-TO-MYSQL-CONNECTOR\mysql-connector-c++-1.1.3\driver
    • PATH-TO-MYSQL-CONNECTOR\mysql-connector-c++-1.1.3
    • PATH-TO-SIGSERVICE\SIGService_v2-1-0_vc2010\include

Libraries dependencies:

in the same window, go to linker -> general, in "Additional Library Directories", add the following dependencies:

  • PATH-TO-MYSQL-CONNECTOR/mysql-connector-c++-1.1.3\driver\Release
  • PATH-TO-SIGSERVICE/SIGService_v2-1-0_vc2010\lib\Debug

Additional dependencies:

Go to linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies, and add the following dependencies:

SIGService.lib dxguid.lib dinput8.lib comctl32.lib SIGVerseDB.cpp:

#include "mysql_connection.h"
// Database include files
#include <cppconn/driver.h>
#include <cppconn/exception.h>
#include <cppconn/resultset.h>
#include <cppconn/statement.h>
#include <cppconn/prepared_statement.h>
//Sigverse include files 
#include "SIGService.h"  
#include <tchar.h>  
#include <string>  
using namespace std;
using namespace sql;
struct vector3{
	double x;
	double y;
	double z;
class MyService : public sigverse::SIGService  
   MyService(std::string name) : SIGService(name){};  
   void onRecvMsg(sigverse::RecvMsgEvent &evt);  
	void mysqlRead(std::string object);
	void mysqlWrite();
   double onAction(); 
	void onInit();
	string objectName;
double MyService::onAction()  
   return 1.0;  
void MyService::onRecvMsg(sigverse::RecvMsgEvent &evt)  
	    std::string sender = evt.getSender();  
       std::string msg = evt.getMsg();  
	    objectName = msg;
// Write to the database
void MyService::mysqlWrite(){
	try {
 Driver *driver;
 Connection *con;
 Statement *stmt;  
 /* Create a connection */
 driver = get_driver_instance();
 con = driver->connect("tcp://", "ericgt", "");
 /* Connect to the MySQL test database */
 stmt = con->createStatement();
 stmt->execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS bottle");
 stmt->execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS can");  
 // create table
 stmt->execute("CREATE TABLE bottle  (name char (50), material char (50),    target char (50)) ");
 stmt->execute("INSERT INTO bottle VALUES ('coca','plastic','trash box for pet_bottle')");
 stmt->execute("INSERT INTO bottle VALUES ('water','plastic','trash box for pet_bottle')");
  // create can
 stmt->execute("CREATE TABLE can  (name char (50), material char (50), target char (50)) ");
 stmt->execute("INSERT INTO can VALUES ('can','aluminium','trash box for recycle')");
 stmt->execute("INSERT INTO can VALUES ('juice_can','aluminium','trash box for recycle')");  
 delete stmt;
 delete con;
 // Error handler
} catch (sql::SQLException &e) {
 cout << "# ERR: SQLException in " << __FILE__;
 cout << "(" << __FUNCTION__ << ") on line "  << __LINE__ << endl;
 cout << "# ERR: " << e.what();
 cout << " (MySQL error code: " << e.getErrorCode();
 cout << ", SQLState: " << e.getSQLState() <<  " )" << endl;
cout << endl;
// Read from the database
void MyService::mysqlRead(string name){
	try {
 Driver *driver;
 Connection *con;
 Statement *stmt;
 ResultSet *res;
 PreparedStatement *pstmt;
 /* Create a connection */
 driver = get_driver_instance();
 con = driver->connect("tcp://", "ericgt", "");
 /* Connect to the MySQL test database */
  pstmt = con->prepareStatement ("select target from bottle where name = '"+objectName+"';");  
 res = pstmt->executeQuery();
 while (res->next()) { 
string select = res->getString("target"); 
cout<<"target for coca is: "<<select<<endl;
 delete res;
 delete pstmt;
 delete con;
 // Error handler
} catch (sql::SQLException &e) {
 cout << "# ERR: SQLException in " << __FILE__;
 cout << "(" << __FUNCTION__ << ") on line "  << __LINE__ << endl;
 cout << "# ERR: " << e.what();
 cout << " (MySQL error code: " << e.getErrorCode();
 cout << ", SQLState: " << e.getSQLState() <<  " )" << endl;
cout << endl;
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char** argv)  
   MyService srv("sigverse_DB");  
   srv.connect("", 9005);  
   return 0;  




#include "ControllerEvent.h"
#include "Controller.h"
#include "Logger.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <algorithm>
#define PI 3.1415926535
#define DEG2RAD(DEG) ( (PI) * (DEG) / 180.0 )
class MyController : public Controller {
  void onInit(InitEvent &evt);
  double onAction(ActionEvent&);
 std::vector<std::string> m_trashes;
void MyController::onInit(InitEvent &evt)
 srand((unsigned)time( NULL ));
double MyController::onAction(ActionEvent &evt)
std::string msg = "coca";
 return 0.1;
extern "C" Controller * createController() {
 return new MyController;

World file


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
<world name="myworld1">
 <gravity x="0.0" y="-980.7" z="0.0"/>
 <instanciate class="WheelRobot-nii-v1.xml" type="Robot">
   <set-attr-value name="name" value="robot_000"/>
   <set-attr-value name="language" value="c++"/>
   <set-attr-value name="implementation"
   <set-attr-value name="dynamics" value="false"/>
   <set-attr-value name="x" value="0.0"/>
   <set-attr-value name="y" value="30.0"/>
   <set-attr-value name="z" value="10.0"/>
   <set-attr-value name="collision" value="true"/>
   <camera id="1"
           position="0.0 0.0 3.0"/>
   <camera id="2"
           position="2.0 0.0 3.0"/>
 <instanciate class="seSidetable_B.xml">
   <set-attr-value name="name" value="table_0"/>
   <set-attr-value name="dynamics" value="false"/>
   <set-attr-value name="x" value="0.0"/>
   <set-attr-value name="y" value="24.0"/>
   <set-attr-value name="z" value="60.0"/>
   <set-attr-value name="scalex" value="1.5"/>
   <set-attr-value name="scaley" value="1.5"/>
   <set-attr-value name="scalez" value="1.5"/>
 <instanciate class="seCannedjuice_200ml_c01.xml">
   <set-attr-value name="name" value="can_0"/>
   <set-attr-value name="dynamics" value="false"/>
   <set-attr-value name="x" value="0.0"/>
   <set-attr-value name="y" value="52.535"/>
   <set-attr-value name="z" value="60.0"/>
   <set-attr-value name="collision" value="true"/>
 <instanciate class="seCannedjuice_200ml_c02.xml">
   <set-attr-value name="name" value="can_1"/>
   <set-attr-value name="dynamics" value="false"/>
   <set-attr-value name="x" value="20.0"/>
   <set-attr-value name="y" value="52.535"/>
   <set-attr-value name="z" value="50.0"/>
   <set-attr-value name="collision" value="true"/>
 <instanciate class="sePetbottle_500ml_empty_c01.xml">
   <set-attr-value name="name" value="petbottle_0"/>
   <set-attr-value name="dynamics" value="false"/>
   <set-attr-value name="x" value="-20.0"/>
   <set-attr-value name="y" value="59.15"/>
   <set-attr-value name="z" value="50.0"/>
   <set-attr-value name="collision" value="true"/>

Download the project

To download the project from GIT repository, use the following link:


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Last-modified: 2013-11-29 (Fri) 22:49:27 (3798d)