
Virtual robots can be controlled by using SIGVerse and ROS (Robot Operating System).

This section describes examples using ROS. For the examples which do not requires ROS, please see here.

System Requirements

If you want to use ROS, prepare an Ubuntu environment and install ROS there.
ROS communicates with Unity on Windows.

The requirements for Windows can be found at here.

The ROS requirement is that the OS is Ubuntu 16.04 and ROS Distribution is Kinetic Kame .

#ref(): File not found: "RobotOperationUsingROS.png" at page "IROS2019/Robot Control via ROS"

Environment Setup

Build Ubuntu Environment

Build Ubuntu environment as follows.

Using VMware

Instead of preparing an Ubuntu PC, you can use an Ubuntu virtual machine on Windows.
Please note that the functions which use GPU are difficult to execute in this case.

In the tutorial at IROS 2019, we provides a file of virtual machine image of Ubuntu environment using VMware.

  1. Install VMware Workstation 15.5.0 Player for Windows 64-bit Operating Systems.
  2. Download Iso file of Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS.
  3. Launch VMware Workstation Player.
  4. Click [Create a New Virtual Machine].
  5. Use [Installer disc image file(iso):] and select ubuntu-16.04.6-desktop-amd64.iso.
  6. Recommend to check "Store virtual disk as a single file".
  7. Please adjust Memory and Processors in [Edit virtual machine settings] after creating VM image.

This virtual machine image has already finished the setup of SIGVerse-ros bridge, and several robot modules for Turtlebot, PR2, HSR, and so on.

Execute Example Scenes with ROS

Unity Scene Execution

Before executing the Unity example scene, you need to set the IP address for ROS on Unity.

  1. Check the IP address of the Ubuntu side.
    Execute the following command in Ubuntu side to check the IP address.
     $ ifconfig
  2. Open the SIGVerse project in Unity.
  3. Click [SIGVerse]-[SIGVerse Settings] in the Unity menu to open the SIGVerse settings window.
  4. Enter the IP address of Ubuntu side in [Config file Settings]-[Rosbridge IP].
    (You can also change [Rosbridge Port] and [SIGVerse Bridge Port] in the same way.)

#ref(): File not found: "SIGVerseSettings.png" at page "IROS2019/Robot Control via ROS"

The Unity scene is executed as follows:

  1. Double-click [Assets/SIGVerse/SampleScenes/xxxxx/yyyyy(.unity)] on the [Project] tab to open the target scene.
  2. Click the play button at the top center of the Unity to play the scene.

Example Scenes

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