[[Tutorial for ver.3]]

* Record and Play Character Movements (Save to Text file) [#v627a606]

In this scene, the movement of characters and some objects can be recorded in a text file and played back.
This example provides the recording and playback function of a human avatar movement.
The movement is recorded on a text file.

** Startup Procedure [#c1ff4bda]

Follow the steps below to run the Unity example scene.
Execute the example scene according to the following steps.

+ Open the SIGVerse project in Unity.
+ Double-click [Assets/SIGVerse/ExampleScenes/Playbacker/Playbacker(.unity)] on the [Project] tab to open the target scene.
+ Click the play button at the top center of the Unity to play the scene.

** Recording to text file [#oddbb270]
** Recording to a text file [#oddbb270]

+ Select [Text Recorder] for Mode.
+ Make some settings such as [Output File].
+ Click the [Start] button to start recording to a text file.
+ Operate the character using arrow keys. ~
(Click [Baby icon] to show/hide the panel.)
+ Click the [Stop] button to stop recording to a text file.

Screenshot of the example scene. (It might differ from the latest version)

** Play from text file [#iad90eef]
** Playback from the text file [#iad90eef]

+ Select [Text Player] for Mode.
+ Set the file path for recording to [Input File].
+ Press the [Start] button to start playback. ~
(Click [Baby icon] to show/hide the panel.)
+ When the [Stop] button is pressed or the recording time elapses, playback ends.

Screenshot of the example scene. (It might differ from the latest version)

''Reference Video'' ~


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