[[Tutorial using ROS for ver.3]] * Operate PR2 with keyboard [#pr2_key_teleop] ** Startup procedure [#s3935d29] Start the Ubuntu side and then the Windows side. *** Ubuntu side startup procedure [#q2116c4c] Open a new terminal and run the following command: $ roslaunch sigverse_pr2_teleop_key teleop_key.launch To start rviz, execute the following command. $ roslaunch sigverse_pr2_teleop_key teleop_key_with_rviz.launch *** Windows side startup procedure [#x1228a56] Start the [Assets/SIGVerse/ExampleScenes/PR2/Pr2Teleop(.unity)] scene with reference to [[here>Tutorial using ROS for ver.3#open_scene]]. ~* A room will appear when you start. The room is randomly selected from 4 types. ** Run [#e45add52] You can control PR2 by keyboard operation on the teleop_key.launch terminal. ~ * Check the terminal for details of the operation. If you want to finish, stop the Unity side and then the ROS side. Ubuntu side (teleop_key_with_rviz.launch) Ubuntu side (teleop_key_with_rviz.launch) (The details may differ from the latest version) #ref(PR2TeleopKeyUbuntu.png) Windows side Windows side (The details may differ from the latest version) #ref(PR2TeleopKeyWindows.png) ---- ''Reference Video'' ~ ''Reference Video'' #youtube(ZrQ_4lTEtC8) ---- #counter