*v2.1.0修正点 [#ac97d9cb]
**SIGVerseインストール簡略化 [#l9481e9c]
* Changes in v2.1.0 [#d00d0329]

***これまで [#m0501175]
** Installation of SIGVerse became simple [#k442bda6]

*** In old version [#ve0db963]

 $ ./configure \
 --prefix=/home/<username>/sigverse-<version> \
 --with-jvm=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-openjdk/jre/lib/amd64/server \
 --with-julius=/usr/bin/julius \

***New (v2.1系)[#u0deff45]
*** In the new version [#sb9dace6]
 $ ./configure

Install to home directory as default

''java, juliusのインストール場所を指定しなくてよい''
''There is no need to specify the install directory for java and julius''

**コントローラのコンパイル [#z9c3a17b]
** Compilation of controller [#x6a58451]

***これまで [#e80ea219]
コントローラ(.cpp)ファイル作成 → Makefile作成 → コンパイル → 世界ファイル作成
→ 実行
*** In old version [#n5a99b77]
write .cpp file -> create Makefile -> compilation -> creation of world file -> execution

***New (v2.1系) [#t70fc245]
*** In the new version [#f36a1d5d]
 $ sigcreate <WorldName>

Working directory named WorldName is created automatically.
Makefile, default controller file, world file are set in the working directory.

Controller can be created by just 
 $ ./sigmake.sh <ControllerName>

''You don't need to create Makefile''

*SIGVerseサーバの終了 [#mce314db]
***これまで [#pb4d362f]
* Quit of SIGVerse server [#g8e72759]

***New (v2.1系) [#u2811ef3]
*** In old version [#m395887e]

kill script is required to quit the server process.

*** In the new version [#x8aff50b]

You can quit the SIGVerse server process with ctr+c

The script
 $ sigkill.sh
will quit the SIGVerse server process with is started by the self user.
 $ sigend.sh -p <port>
can quite the SIGVerse server process with target port number.

** ポート番号自動取得[#i6427f9d]
***これまで [#j7e5e9de]
** Automatic port number management function [#k1d47b8b]

*** In old version [#v7a4b122]

 $ sigserver.sh -p <PortNumber> -w <WorldFile>

***New (v2.1系) [#fd9a5d14]
*** In the new version [#eab08765]
 $ sigserver.sh -w <WorldFile>
 [SYS]  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 [SYS]  //////////////World number 0  (port 9000)///////////////
 [SYS]  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

1つのWorld Numberに対して5つのポート番号が対応
Each World Number has 5 socket ports

**Entityデータの表示 [#eb40215d]
** Display of Entity data [#q3c1f300]
- Red:Position of entity
- Green:Position of parts
- Blue:Position of joint
- Orange: Position and direction of camera

**衝突判定形状表示 [#u1da3f0d]
** Display of collision detection area [#s2ea55d6]

**距離センサ [#p680659a]
-distanceSensor1D, distanceSensor2D の距離データをピクセルごとに取得していた → 等角度間隔で取得。
** Distance sensor [#j1164eae]

**エンティティの重心計算プログラム修正 [#y32e401b]
-頂点座標の平均値 → 全頂点座標の中心 ((最大値+最小値)/2)
-以前のアルゴリズムにより形状ファイルを読み込む場合はViewerメニューのSettings → Entity Position → Average vertices(old) に設定してサーバに接続する。
- Array of distanceSensor1D, distanceSensor2D designed at even interval angles. (Array are designed to fit pixel of camera in the old version.)
- Distance calculation algorithm is updated.
- Freez problem is fixed when the measurement frequency is too fast.

** Modification of calculation of center of gravity for entity [#n82f4e3c]
- If you want to need to read shape file using previous algorithm, please use Viewer menu -> Settings -> Entity Position -> Average vertices(old) to connect a server.

** Service Library [#r9ffc2b9]
Add the following APIs
**形状ファイル自動上書き機能追加 [#n40204f5]
-サーバ側で形状ファイルを修正した場合はViewerメニューのSettings → Overwrite shape file で自動的にshapeファイルをダウンロード上書きする。

**不具合修正 [#j60a74ea]
** Function for automatic overwrite of shape file [#r9748c59]
- If the shape files are modified by the server side, shape files in the client will be updated automatically by Viewer menu -> Settings -> Overwrite shape file.

** Other bugs [#d4575cf4]
- management of position/orientation of cameras
- small bugs in dynamics simulation
- return value of onAction in service library

[[Version Information]]


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