
**Template [#g9a8dbde]
The following parameters can be set in the world file. (※ v2.2.0 or later)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
<world name="myworld1">
  <gravity x="0.0" y="-980.7" z="0.0"/>
  <instanciate class="seToy_D.xml">
    <set-attr-value name="name" value="toy_D"/>
    <set-attr-value name="x" value="0.0"/>
    <set-attr-value name="y" value="60.0"/>
    <set-attr-value name="z" value="0.0"/>
    <set-attr-value name="scalex" value="1.0"/>
    <set-attr-value name="scaley" value="1.0"/>
    <set-attr-value name="scalez" value="1.0"/>
    <set-attr-value name="qw" value="1.0"/>
    <set-attr-value name="qx" value="0.0"/>
    <set-attr-value name="qy" value="0.0"/>
    <set-attr-value name="qz" value="0.0"/>
    <set-attr-value name="mass" value="1.0"/>
    <set-attr-value name="dynamics" value="true"/>
    <set-attr-value name="collision" value="true"/>
    <set-attr-value name="graspable" value="true"/>
    <set-attr-value name="graspRadius" value="40.0"/>
    <set-attr-value name="language" value="c++"/>
    <set-attr-value name="implementation"
    <camera id="1"
            direction="0.0 0.0 1.0"
            quaternion="1.0 .0. 0.0 0.0"/>
  <worldParam erp="0.5" cfm="1e-8" autostep="true" quickstep="false" stepsize="0.01"/>
  <collisionParam mu="0.9" mu2="0.02" slip1="0.01" slip2="0.01"
                  soft_erp="0.8" soft_cfm="0.00001" bounce="0.9" bounce_vel="5.0"/>

**Entity attribute [#h74efcd9]

|Attribute|Type|Initial value|Description|
|name|string|- |Please pay attention for duplicate name|
|x|double|0.0|Initial position x|
|y|double|0.0|Initial position y|
|z|double|0.0|Initial position z|
|qw|double|1.0|Initial rotation (quaternion) qw|
|qx|double|0.0|Initial rotation (quaternion) qx|
|qy|double|0.0|Initial rotation (quaternion) qy|
|qz|double|0.0|Initial rotation (quaternion) qz|
|scalex|double|1.0|Scale for x axis for the object|
|scaley|double|1.0|Scale for y axis for the object|
|scalez|double|1.0|Scale for z axis for the object|
|mass|double|1.0|Mass (kg)|
|dynamics|bool|true|Physics flag|
|collision|bool|false|Collision detection flag|
|graspable|bool|true|grasp ability flag|
|graspRadius|double|40.0|Radius for grasp ability|
|language|string|-|Controller programming language (only C++ is supported)|
|implementation|string|-|Controller file specification|

**Camera parameters [#a8446ccb]
|Parameter|Type|Initial value|Description|
|id|int|-|ID number|
|link|string|-|Link name|
|fov|double|45|y-direction Viewing Angle (degree)|
|aspectRatio|double|1.5|Aspect ratio (width / height)|
|direction|double*3|"0.0 0.0 1.0" | Camera's direction vector|
|quaternion|double*4|"1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0" |Rotation of the camera|

**World parameters [#u0b99bfd]

|Parameter|Type|Initial value|Description|
|erp|double|0.5|If the value is 0, the error increases. If 1, the error decreases.|
|cfm|double|1e-8|This is the parameter to decide the softness of the ground and the joints. The maximum value is 1.0|
|autostep|bool|true|If the automatic step mode is true, the time division is the step-size, the simulation time is automatically adjusted to the real world time. If it is false, you should adjust the time by using wordStep or wordQuickStep in the agent's controller.|
|quickstep|bool|false|Increments the time by using quick step mode. When autostep=true, the mode is fast and not accurate for physics.|
|stepsize|double|0.01|Step width (sec).It works only when autostep=true|

**Collision parameters [#mfc28452]
|Parameter name|Type|Default value|Description|
|mu|double|0.9|Friction coefficient is from 0 to infinite, no friction when it's equal to 0|
|mu2|double|0.02|Friction coefficient, it's perpendicular to the direction on which the force is applied|
|slip1|double|0.01|The force-dependent-slip friction coefficient in direction 1|
|slip2|double|0.01|The force-dependent-slip friction coefficient in direction 2|
|soft_erp|double|0.8|Softness for vertical direction|
|soft_cfm|double|0.0001|Softness for horizontal direction|
|bounce|double|0.3|Coefficient of restitution (0~1)|
|bounce_vel|double|5.0|The minimum velocity required to bounce(cm / s)|

※Note) These collision's parameters are applied to all objects collision.


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