RIGHT:[[&ref(./japanese.png,30%); 日本語をご希望の方はこちらのページをご利用下さい:http://www.sigverse.com/wiki/jp/index.php?Tutorial]]


*** Setup [#u5bb5321]
//- [[How to connect to server via port forwarding]]
- [[Installation of SIGVerse server>./Installation of SIGVerse server]] Update! 2014-Jan-14
- [[Installation of SIGViewer>./Installation of SIGViewer]] Update! 2014-Jan-14
- [[Execution of test>./Execution of test]]

*** Samples [#l49d636c]

- [[Samples of the dynamics simulations]]
- [[Humanoid agent operations]]
- [[Exchange of messages between agents]]
- [[Vision sensor]]
- [[Image capture from agent's perspective]]
- [[Collision detection by agents]]
- [[Grasping Function]]
- [[Control of humanoid agent by BVH file]] Update! 2014-June-10
- [[Wheeled mobile robot]]
- [[Distance sensor]]
- [[Eye movement]]
- [[Controlling agent with Kinect]]
- [[Joystick service]]
- [[Speech recognition using Julius]]

***Creation of a robot model [#t76db6ef]
- [[Creating simple shapes with physics properties]] Added 2014-June-10

*** Interprocess communication [#lfffecd7]
- [[Creating a service provider]]
- [[service libraries]]

*** SIGServices [#b570e6be]

-[[Using Phantom Omni Haptik Device]]
-[[Using PS Move Controller Device]]

*** SIGVerse with ROS [#d06e6753]

- [[ROS integration]]
- [[joystick control using ROS]]
- [[mysql connection using ROS]]

*** Others [#uaa5d1ba]
- [[API List]] (Under construction; now translating in English)
- [[JointDefinition]]
- [[Extracting .x3d file for SIGVerse]]
- [[Speech_Recognition_using_Microsoft_SAPI]]
- [[Connect to SIGVerse server via socket using Winsock]]
- [[Version Information]]
- [[World file configuration]]
- [[Troubleshooting]]
- [[Role of each file in SIGVerse]]

*** SIGVerse with Python [#ra0cce9e]
- [[SIGVerse with Python]]  Update! 2014-Jan-20

*** SIGVerse Web (This service is under suspension) [#kc257b52]

- [[Basic Guides>SIGVerse Web]]
- [[Tutorial Project Files>http://www.sigverse.org/wiki/en/index.php?SIGVerse%20Web#j3b3ff3e]]

*** For Expert Users [#bbb94198]
- [[Information for Expert Users]]


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