
 #include "Controller.h"
 #include "ControllerEvent.h"
 #include "Logger.h"
 #include "math.h"
 #define PI 3.141592
 #define DEG2RAD(DEG) ( (PI) * (DEG) / 180.0 )
 class AgentController: public Controller {
   double onAction(ActionEvent &evt); 
   void onInit(InitEvent &evt);
   void onCollision(CollisionEvent &evt);
   bool Colli;
   int Colli_cnt;
   double vel;
 void AgentController::onInit(InitEvent &evt)
   Colli = false;
   Colli_cnt = 0; 
  if(strstr(myname() , "000")!= NULL)
      vel = 5;
  else  if(strstr(myname() , "001")!= NULL)
    vel = 7;
    vel = 0;
 void AgentController::onCollision(CollisionEvent &evt) {
  if (Colli == false && Colli_cnt == 0){
    typedef CollisionEvent::WithC C;
    // 衝突相手の名前を得る。
    const C & with = evt.getWith();
    for (C::const_iterator i=with.begin(); i!=with.end(); i++) {
       std::string s = *i;
      LOG_MSG(("\"%s\"", s.c_str()));
      SimObj *my = getObj(myname());
      // 自分のy軸周りの回転を得ます(クオータニオン)
      double qy = my->qy();
      double theta = 2*asin(qy);
      double dy = theta + DEG2RAD(-180);
      if (dy <= -PI) {
	dy = -1*dy - PI;
      my->setAxisAndAngle(0, 1.0, 0, dy);
      Colli = true;
      Colli_cnt = 3;
 double AgentController::onAction(ActionEvent &evt) {
   try {
    SimObj *my = getObj(myname());
    double x = my->x();
    double y = my->y();
    double z = my->z();
    double qy = my->qy();
    double theta = 2*asin(qy);
    double dx = 0;
    double dz = 0;
    dx = sin(theta) * vel;
    dz = cos(theta) * vel;
    my->setPosition( x + dx, y , z + dz );
    if (Colli_cnt > 0)
	if (--Colli_cnt <=0)
	  Colli = false;
  } catch (SimObj::Exception &) {
  return 0.5;
 extern "C" Controller * createController() {
  return new AgentController;

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