SigService to capture relative positions of mouse movements and move tool
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[[SIGVerse with Python]]
The aim of this tutorial is to
--write a python module using pygame that captures mouse ...
--to present setting of environmental variables for writi...
--import the module inside Sigservice and send data to Si...
--making a .sig file and loading it into Sigviewer
To use this tutorial, the use needs to have boost.python ...
-Writing python module for capturing mouse movements usin...
--Please install pygame from [[here:http://www.lfd.uci.ed...
--Please copy the following code and name it as "mouseMod...
import sys
import time
import threading
import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
class App:
def __init__(self):
self._running = True
def on_init(self):
# pygame.init()
# self._display_surf = pygame.display.set_mode(se...
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((620, 400))
self._running = True
def on_event(self, event):
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
self._running = False
def on_loop(self):
def on_render(self):
def on_cleanup(self):
def on_mouseMotionNew(self):
background_colour = (255,255,255)
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((620, 400))
# pos=[]
global pos
while running:
event = pygame.event.poll()
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
running = 0
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN or ev...
(a,b,c)= pygame.mouse.get_pressed()
if a == 1:
print "the left button is pressed, lo...
# print "mouse at (%d, %d)" % event.pos
elif c==1:
print "the right button is pressed, l...
yield flagList
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION and flag=...
# print "mouse at (%d, %d)" % event.pos
# pos=list(event.pos)
# print "relative pos is (%d, %d)" % pyga...
# num.append(pos), (0,0,240),even...
if count==1:
yield pos
# return num
if __name__ == "__main__" :
theApp = App()
for i in range(0,100): # Please modify this value to...
print next(a)
When you run this code, it captures 100 mouse movements a...
-Create a Visual Studio project
--I have used Visual Studio 2008.
--Please use Ctl+Shft+N to create a New Project. Lets cal...
-Setting environmental variables.
You need to have SigService library on your disk. Please ...
I am using SIGService_v2-1-0 and its location on my disk...
--1. Go to: Configuration Properties-->C/C++-->General--...
--2. Go to Configuration Properties-->Linker-->General--...
--3. Go to Configuration Properties-->Linker-->General--...
--4. Go to Configuration Properties-->Linker-->Input-->A...
- Writing a source code C++ file, name it as "MyService.c...
#include "SIGService.h"
#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <boost/detail/lightweight_test.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
namespace py = boost::python;
using namespace std;
std::string parse_python_exception(); // functional decla...
template <typename T> string tostr(const T& t) { ostrings...
class Mouse_Service : public sigverse::SIGService
Mouse_Service(std::string name);
double onAction();
void onRecvMsg(sigverse::RecvMsgEvent &evt);
//private: Joystick* JS; //pointer to joystick object
//private: HWND hWnd;
Mouse_Service::Mouse_Service(std::string name) : SIGSer...
//JS = new Joystick();
//hWnd = NULL;
void Mouse_Service::onRecvMsg(sigverse::RecvMsgEvent &evt...
double Mouse_Service::onAction()
py::object main_module = py::import("__main__");
py::object main_namespace = main_module.attr("__dict__");
py::exec("import mouseModule as im", main_namespace);
py::exec("obj=im.App()", main_namespace);
py::exec("a=obj.on_mouseMotionNew()", main_namespace);
float positionArray[2]={0,0};
std::string msg("");
char tmp[32]={0};
py::object listOfPos = py::eval("next(a)", main_namesp...
int lenList=len((listOfPos));
//std::cout << " length is " << lenList <<std::endl;
if (lenList==2){
for(unsigned int i=0; i<lenList; i++){
//std::cout << py::extract<double>((listOfPos)[i])<<...
positionArray[i] = py::extract<double>((listOfPos)[i...
else {
sprintf(tmp, "%f,%f", positionArray[0], pos...
std::cout<<"The possition array is" << positionArray[...
msg = std::string(tmp);
std::cout << "The sent msg is: " << msg << std::endl;
//srv.sendMsg("robot_test", msg);
this->sendMsg("robot_test", msg);
catch(boost::python::error_already_set const &){
// Parse and output the exception
std::string perror_str = parse_python_exception();
std::cout << "Error in Python: " << perror_str <<...
return 0.00001;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
// Create an instance of the service class with the spec...
Mouse_Service srv("MouseService");
std::string host = argv[1];
unsigned short port = (unsigned short)(atoi(argv[2]));
srv.connect(host, port);
// disconnect from the server
return 0;
std::string parse_python_exception(){
PyObject *type_ptr = NULL, *value_ptr = NULL, *traceb...
// Fetch the exception info from the Python C API
PyErr_Fetch(&type_ptr, &value_ptr, &traceback_ptr);
// Fallback error
std::string ret("Unfetchable Python error");
// If the fetch got a type pointer, parse the type in...
if(type_ptr != NULL){
py::handle<> h_type(type_ptr);
py::str type_pstr(h_type);
// Extract the string from the boost::python object
py::extract<std::string> e_type_pstr(type_pstr);
// If a valid string extraction is available, use...
// otherwise use fallback
ret = e_type_pstr();
ret = "Unknown exception type";
// Do the same for the exception value (the stringifi...
if(value_ptr != NULL){
py::handle<> h_val(value_ptr);
py::str a(h_val);
py::extract<std::string> returned(a);
ret += ": " + returned();
ret += std::string(": Unparseable Python erro...
// Parse lines from the traceback using the Python tr...
if(traceback_ptr != NULL){
py::handle<> h_tb(traceback_ptr);
// Load the traceback module and the format_tb fu...
py::object tb(py::import("traceback"));
py::object fmt_tb(tb.attr("format_tb"));
// Call format_tb to get a list of traceback stri...
py::object tb_list(fmt_tb(h_tb));
// Join the traceback strings into a single string
py::object tb_str(py::str("\n").join(tb_list));
// Extract the string, check the extraction, and ...
py::extract<std::string> returned(tb_str);
ret += ": " + returned();
ret += std::string(": Unparseable Python trac...
return ret;
The above code, imports the python module which captures ...
-Debug the code and place the following files into projec...
-Please build the code, using F7. You can see that MyServ...
-Now, lets go to the server side and see how our service ...
1. Create a project directory using NewProject
2. Copy the following code and name it as LToolControlle...
#include "ControllerEvent.h"
#include "Controller.h"
#include "Logger.h"
class MyController : public Controller {
void onInit(InitEvent &evt);
double onAction(ActionEvent&);
void onRecvMsg(RecvMsgEvent &evt);
void onCollision(CollisionEvent &evt);
bool accelerationValueRecieved;
static double xPos = 0;
static double yPos= 0;
static int messageCount;
static int onActionCount;
static int flag=1;
static Vector3d pos;
void MyController::onInit(InitEvent &evt) {
SimObj *obj = getObj(myname());
// obj->addForce(0,0,-500);
double MyController::onAction(ActionEvent &evt) {
//return 1.0;
SimObj *obj = getObj(myname());
double massOfTool;
massOfTool = obj->getMass();
return 0.00001;
std::string msg = " ";
void MyController::onRecvMsg(RecvMsgEvent &evt)
SimObj *my = getObj(myname());
char *all_msg = (char*)evt.getMsg();
// std::string msg;
msg= evt.getMsg();
char xPosStr[10]=" ";
char yPosStr[10]=" ";
int result=0;
result = sscanf(msg.c_str(), "%[^','],%[^',']", xPosStr...
xPos = atof(xPosStr);
yPos = atof(yPosStr);
// LOG_MSG((" Position Received by Controller : %f %f "...
//std::cout <<"xPos is" << xPos <<std::endl;
//std::cout << "The mesage count is" << messageCount <<...
my->setPosition(pos.x(), pos.y(), pos.z() - yPos);
void MyController::onCollision(CollisionEvent &evt) {
extern "C" Controller * createController() {
return new MyController;
--Run the code to make .so file.
./ LToolController.cpp
3. Create the world file, which has a stick tool and obje...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
<world name="myworld1">
<gravity x="0.0" y="-9.8" z="0.0"/>
<instanciate class="robot_test.xml">
<set-attr-value name="name" value="robot_test"/>
<set-attr-value name="language" value="c++"/>
<set-attr-value name="implementation"
<set-attr-value name="dynamics" value="true"/>
<set-attr-value name="mass" value="4.5"/>
<set-attr-value name="collision" value="true"/>
<set-attr-value name="x" value="10.0"/>
<set-attr-value name="y" value="1.0"/>
<set-attr-value name="z" value="40.0"/>
<set-attr-value name="qw" value="0.707"/>
<set-attr-value name="qx" value="0.707"/>
<set-attr-value name="qy" value="0.0"/>
<set-attr-value name="qz" value="0.0"/>
<instanciate class="robot_box.xml">
<set-attr-value name="name" value="box_001"/>
<set-attr-value name="mass" value="1.5"/>
<set-attr-value name="dynamics" value="true"/>
<set-attr-value name="collision" value="true"/>
<set-attr-value name="x" value="10.0"/>
<set-attr-value name="y" value="1.0"/>
<set-attr-value name="z" value="36.0"/>
<set-attr-value name="qw" value="0.707"/>
<set-attr-value name="qx" value="0.707"/>
<set-attr-value name="qy" value="0.0"/>
<set-attr-value name="qz" value="0.0"/>
<worldParam erp="0.5" cfm="1e-8" autostep="true" quickste...
<collisionParam mu="0.9" mu2="0.02" slip1="0.01" slip2="0...
soft_erp="0.8" soft_cfm="0.00001" bounc...
--The robot_test.xml to create xml file for stick tool.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
<define-class name="robot_test" inherit="Agent.xml">
--The robot_text.x3d to create stick tool.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<X3D profile="Immersive" version="3.0">
<ProtoDeclare name='Joint' >
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFVec3f' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFNode' name=...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFFloat' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFRotation' n...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFString' nam...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFRotation' n...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFVec3f' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFRotation' n...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFFloat' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFVec3f' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFFloat' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFFloat' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFString' nam...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFFloat' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFVec3f' name...
<connect nodeField='children' protoField='childr...
<connect nodeField='center' protoField='cent...
<connect nodeField='rotation' protoField='r...
<connect nodeField='scale' protoField='...
<connect nodeField='scaleOrientation' ...
<connect nodeField='translation' p...
<ProtoDeclare name='Segment' >
<field accessType='initializeOnly' type='SFVec3f' n...
<field accessType='initializeOnly' type='SFVec3f' n...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFVec3f' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFNode' name=...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFNode' name=...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFNode' name=...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFFloat' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFFloat' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFString' nam...
<field accessType='inputOnly' type='MFNode' name='a...
<field accessType='inputOnly' type='MFNode' name='r...
<connect nodeField='children' protoField='childr...
<connect nodeField='addChildren' protoField=...
<connect nodeField='removeChildren' protoFi...
<connect nodeField='bboxCenter' protoFi...
<connect nodeField='bboxSize' protoFie...
<ProtoDeclare name='Humanoid' >
<field accessType='initializeOnly' type='SFVec3f' n...
<field accessType='initializeOnly' type='SFVec3f' n...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFVec3f' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFNode' name=...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFString' nam...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFNode' name=...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFString' nam...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFRotation' n...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFVec3f' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFRotation' n...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFNode' name=...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFNode' name=...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFVec3f' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFString' nam...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFNode' name=...
<connect nodeField='bboxCenter' protoField='bbox...
<connect nodeField='bboxSize' protoField='bb...
<connect nodeField='center' protoField='cen...
<connect nodeField='rotation' protoFiel...
<connect nodeField='scale' protoField=...
<connect nodeField='scaleOrientati...
<connect nodeField='translation' ...
<connect nodeField='ch...
<connect n...
<ProtoInstance name='Humanoid' DEF="HRP1" contain...
<fieldValue name='info' value='"Test Joint"' />
<fieldValue name='name' value='sample' />
<fieldValue name='version' value='1.1' />
<ProtoInstance name='Joint' DEF="JOINT0" container...
<fieldValue name='name' value='JOINT0' />
<fieldValue name='jointType' value='free' />
<fieldValue name='jointId' value='1.0' />
<ProtoInstance name='Joint' DEF="JOINT1" container...
<fieldValue name='name' value='JOINT1' />
<fieldValue name='jointId' value='2.0' />
<fieldValue name='jointType' value='fixed' />
<ProtoInstance name='Segment' DEF="LINK1" ...
<fieldValue name='name' value='LINK1' />
<fieldValue name='mass' value='0.5' />
<Transform rotation='0.0 0.0 1.0 1.57'>
<Box size="2 16 2"/>
<Material diffuseColor='0.6 0.8 0....
<!-- <ProtoInstance name='Joint' DEF="JOINT2" ...
<fieldValue name='name' value='JOINT2' />
<fieldValue name='translation' value='-8.0 0...
<fieldValue name='jointType' value='fixed' />
<fieldValue name='jointAxis' value='1.0 0.0 ...
<fieldValue name='jointId' value='3.0' />
<ProtoInstance name='Segment' DEF="LINK2" ...
<fieldValue name='name' value='LINK2' />
<fieldValue name='centerOfMass' value='0.0...
<fieldValue name='mass' value='0.5' />
<Transform rotation='0.0 0.0 0.0 0'>
<Box size="2 16 2"/>
<Material diffuseColor='0.6 0.6 ...
<!-- <ProtoInstance name='Joint' DEF="JOINT2" ...
<fieldValue name='name' value='JOINT2' />
<fieldValue name='translation' value='0.5 5.0 0...
<fieldValue name='jointType' value='fixed' />
<fieldValue name='jointAxis' value='1.0 0.0 0.0...
<fieldValue name='jointId' value='3.0' />
<ProtoInstance name='Segment' DEF="LINK2" con...
<fieldValue name='name' value='LINK2' />
<fieldValue name='centerOfMass' value='8.0 2....
<fieldValue name='mass' value='0.5' />
<Transform rotation='0.0 0.0 1.0 1.57'>
<Box size="2 16 2"/>
<Material diffuseColor='0.6 0.6 0.1' />
</ProtoInstance> -->
--The robot_box.xml to create the xml file of small box.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
<define-class name="robot_box" inherit="Agent.xml">
--The robot_box.x3d to create a small box.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<X3D profile="Immersive" version="3.0">
<ProtoDeclare name='Joint' >
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFVec3f' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFNode' name=...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFFloat' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFRotation' n...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFString' nam...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFRotation' n...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFVec3f' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFRotation' n...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFFloat' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFVec3f' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFFloat' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFFloat' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFString' nam...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFFloat' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFVec3f' name...
<connect nodeField='children' protoField='childr...
<connect nodeField='center' protoField='cent...
<connect nodeField='rotation' protoField='r...
<connect nodeField='scale' protoField='...
<connect nodeField='scaleOrientation' ...
<connect nodeField='translation' p...
<ProtoDeclare name='Segment' >
<field accessType='initializeOnly' type='SFVec3f' n...
<field accessType='initializeOnly' type='SFVec3f' n...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFVec3f' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFNode' name=...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFNode' name=...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFNode' name=...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFFloat' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFFloat' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFString' nam...
<field accessType='inputOnly' type='MFNode' name='a...
<field accessType='inputOnly' type='MFNode' name='r...
<connect nodeField='children' protoField='childr...
<connect nodeField='addChildren' protoField=...
<connect nodeField='removeChildren' protoFi...
<connect nodeField='bboxCenter' protoFi...
<connect nodeField='bboxSize' protoFie...
<ProtoDeclare name='Humanoid' >
<field accessType='initializeOnly' type='SFVec3f' n...
<field accessType='initializeOnly' type='SFVec3f' n...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFVec3f' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFNode' name=...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFString' nam...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFNode' name=...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFString' nam...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFRotation' n...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFVec3f' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFRotation' n...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFNode' name=...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFNode' name=...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFVec3f' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFString' nam...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFNode' name=...
<connect nodeField='bboxCenter' protoField='bbox...
<connect nodeField='bboxSize' protoField='bb...
<connect nodeField='center' protoField='cen...
<connect nodeField='rotation' protoFiel...
<connect nodeField='scale' protoField=...
<connect nodeField='scaleOrientati...
<connect nodeField='translation' ...
<connect nodeField='ch...
<connect n...
<ProtoInstance name='Humanoid' DEF="HRP1" contain...
<fieldValue name='info' value='"Test Joint"' />
<fieldValue name='name' value='sample' />
<fieldValue name='version' value='1.1' />
<ProtoInstance name='Joint' DEF="JOINT0" container...
<fieldValue name='name' value='JOINT0' />
<fieldValue name='jointType' value='free' />
<fieldValue name='jointId' value='1.0' />
<ProtoInstance name='Joint' DEF="JOINT1" container...
<fieldValue name='name' value='JOINT1' />
<fieldValue name='jointId' value='2.0' />
<fieldValue name='jointType' value='fixed' />
<ProtoInstance name='Segment' DEF="LINK1" ...
<fieldValue name='name' value='LINK1' />
<fieldValue name='mass' value='0.1' />
<Transform rotation='0.0 0.0 1.0 1.57'>
<Box size="2 2 2"/>
<Material diffuseColor='0.0 1.0 0....
<!-- <ProtoInstance name='Joint' DEF="JOINT2" ...
<fieldValue name='name' value='JOINT2' />
<fieldValue name='translation' value='-8.0 0...
<fieldValue name='jointType' value='fixed' />
<fieldValue name='jointAxis' value='1.0 0.0 ...
<fieldValue name='jointId' value='3.0' />
<ProtoInstance name='Segment' DEF="LINK2" ...
<fieldValue name='name' value='LINK2' />
<fieldValue name='centerOfMass' value='0.0...
<fieldValue name='mass' value='0.5' />
<Transform rotation='0.0 0.0 0.0 0'>
<Box size="2 16 2"/>
<Material diffuseColor='0.6 0.6 ...
<!-- <ProtoInstance name='Joint' DEF="JOINT2" ...
<fieldValue name='name' value='JOINT2' />
<fieldValue name='translation' value='0.5 5.0 0...
<fieldValue name='jointType' value='fixed' />
<fieldValue name='jointAxis' value='1.0 0.0 0.0...
<fieldValue name='jointId' value='3.0' />
<ProtoInstance name='Segment' DEF="LINK2" con...
<fieldValue name='name' value='LINK2' />
<fieldValue name='centerOfMass' value='8.0 2....
<fieldValue name='mass' value='0.5' />
<Transform rotation='0.0 0.0 1.0 1.57'>
<Box size="2 16 2"/>
<Material diffuseColor='0.6 0.6 0.1' />
</ProtoInstance> -->
4. Please load the world file -w ./ToolsOnTable.xml -p write_your_por...
5. Go to Services-->Add-->MyServiceTest.sig and then Serv...
This shall add your mouse service.
6. Please click "Start" to run the simulation.
7. When you use left click the mouse events are captured ...
[[SIGVerse with Python]]
The aim of this tutorial is to
--write a python module using pygame that captures mouse ...
--to present setting of environmental variables for writi...
--import the module inside Sigservice and send data to Si...
--making a .sig file and loading it into Sigviewer
To use this tutorial, the use needs to have boost.python ...
-Writing python module for capturing mouse movements usin...
--Please install pygame from [[here:http://www.lfd.uci.ed...
--Please copy the following code and name it as "mouseMod...
import sys
import time
import threading
import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
class App:
def __init__(self):
self._running = True
def on_init(self):
# pygame.init()
# self._display_surf = pygame.display.set_mode(se...
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((620, 400))
self._running = True
def on_event(self, event):
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
self._running = False
def on_loop(self):
def on_render(self):
def on_cleanup(self):
def on_mouseMotionNew(self):
background_colour = (255,255,255)
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((620, 400))
# pos=[]
global pos
while running:
event = pygame.event.poll()
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
running = 0
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN or ev...
(a,b,c)= pygame.mouse.get_pressed()
if a == 1:
print "the left button is pressed, lo...
# print "mouse at (%d, %d)" % event.pos
elif c==1:
print "the right button is pressed, l...
yield flagList
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION and flag=...
# print "mouse at (%d, %d)" % event.pos
# pos=list(event.pos)
# print "relative pos is (%d, %d)" % pyga...
# num.append(pos), (0,0,240),even...
if count==1:
yield pos
# return num
if __name__ == "__main__" :
theApp = App()
for i in range(0,100): # Please modify this value to...
print next(a)
When you run this code, it captures 100 mouse movements a...
-Create a Visual Studio project
--I have used Visual Studio 2008.
--Please use Ctl+Shft+N to create a New Project. Lets cal...
-Setting environmental variables.
You need to have SigService library on your disk. Please ...
I am using SIGService_v2-1-0 and its location on my disk...
--1. Go to: Configuration Properties-->C/C++-->General--...
--2. Go to Configuration Properties-->Linker-->General--...
--3. Go to Configuration Properties-->Linker-->General--...
--4. Go to Configuration Properties-->Linker-->Input-->A...
- Writing a source code C++ file, name it as "MyService.c...
#include "SIGService.h"
#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <boost/detail/lightweight_test.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
namespace py = boost::python;
using namespace std;
std::string parse_python_exception(); // functional decla...
template <typename T> string tostr(const T& t) { ostrings...
class Mouse_Service : public sigverse::SIGService
Mouse_Service(std::string name);
double onAction();
void onRecvMsg(sigverse::RecvMsgEvent &evt);
//private: Joystick* JS; //pointer to joystick object
//private: HWND hWnd;
Mouse_Service::Mouse_Service(std::string name) : SIGSer...
//JS = new Joystick();
//hWnd = NULL;
void Mouse_Service::onRecvMsg(sigverse::RecvMsgEvent &evt...
double Mouse_Service::onAction()
py::object main_module = py::import("__main__");
py::object main_namespace = main_module.attr("__dict__");
py::exec("import mouseModule as im", main_namespace);
py::exec("obj=im.App()", main_namespace);
py::exec("a=obj.on_mouseMotionNew()", main_namespace);
float positionArray[2]={0,0};
std::string msg("");
char tmp[32]={0};
py::object listOfPos = py::eval("next(a)", main_namesp...
int lenList=len((listOfPos));
//std::cout << " length is " << lenList <<std::endl;
if (lenList==2){
for(unsigned int i=0; i<lenList; i++){
//std::cout << py::extract<double>((listOfPos)[i])<<...
positionArray[i] = py::extract<double>((listOfPos)[i...
else {
sprintf(tmp, "%f,%f", positionArray[0], pos...
std::cout<<"The possition array is" << positionArray[...
msg = std::string(tmp);
std::cout << "The sent msg is: " << msg << std::endl;
//srv.sendMsg("robot_test", msg);
this->sendMsg("robot_test", msg);
catch(boost::python::error_already_set const &){
// Parse and output the exception
std::string perror_str = parse_python_exception();
std::cout << "Error in Python: " << perror_str <<...
return 0.00001;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
// Create an instance of the service class with the spec...
Mouse_Service srv("MouseService");
std::string host = argv[1];
unsigned short port = (unsigned short)(atoi(argv[2]));
srv.connect(host, port);
// disconnect from the server
return 0;
std::string parse_python_exception(){
PyObject *type_ptr = NULL, *value_ptr = NULL, *traceb...
// Fetch the exception info from the Python C API
PyErr_Fetch(&type_ptr, &value_ptr, &traceback_ptr);
// Fallback error
std::string ret("Unfetchable Python error");
// If the fetch got a type pointer, parse the type in...
if(type_ptr != NULL){
py::handle<> h_type(type_ptr);
py::str type_pstr(h_type);
// Extract the string from the boost::python object
py::extract<std::string> e_type_pstr(type_pstr);
// If a valid string extraction is available, use...
// otherwise use fallback
ret = e_type_pstr();
ret = "Unknown exception type";
// Do the same for the exception value (the stringifi...
if(value_ptr != NULL){
py::handle<> h_val(value_ptr);
py::str a(h_val);
py::extract<std::string> returned(a);
ret += ": " + returned();
ret += std::string(": Unparseable Python erro...
// Parse lines from the traceback using the Python tr...
if(traceback_ptr != NULL){
py::handle<> h_tb(traceback_ptr);
// Load the traceback module and the format_tb fu...
py::object tb(py::import("traceback"));
py::object fmt_tb(tb.attr("format_tb"));
// Call format_tb to get a list of traceback stri...
py::object tb_list(fmt_tb(h_tb));
// Join the traceback strings into a single string
py::object tb_str(py::str("\n").join(tb_list));
// Extract the string, check the extraction, and ...
py::extract<std::string> returned(tb_str);
ret += ": " + returned();
ret += std::string(": Unparseable Python trac...
return ret;
The above code, imports the python module which captures ...
-Debug the code and place the following files into projec...
-Please build the code, using F7. You can see that MyServ...
-Now, lets go to the server side and see how our service ...
1. Create a project directory using NewProject
2. Copy the following code and name it as LToolControlle...
#include "ControllerEvent.h"
#include "Controller.h"
#include "Logger.h"
class MyController : public Controller {
void onInit(InitEvent &evt);
double onAction(ActionEvent&);
void onRecvMsg(RecvMsgEvent &evt);
void onCollision(CollisionEvent &evt);
bool accelerationValueRecieved;
static double xPos = 0;
static double yPos= 0;
static int messageCount;
static int onActionCount;
static int flag=1;
static Vector3d pos;
void MyController::onInit(InitEvent &evt) {
SimObj *obj = getObj(myname());
// obj->addForce(0,0,-500);
double MyController::onAction(ActionEvent &evt) {
//return 1.0;
SimObj *obj = getObj(myname());
double massOfTool;
massOfTool = obj->getMass();
return 0.00001;
std::string msg = " ";
void MyController::onRecvMsg(RecvMsgEvent &evt)
SimObj *my = getObj(myname());
char *all_msg = (char*)evt.getMsg();
// std::string msg;
msg= evt.getMsg();
char xPosStr[10]=" ";
char yPosStr[10]=" ";
int result=0;
result = sscanf(msg.c_str(), "%[^','],%[^',']", xPosStr...
xPos = atof(xPosStr);
yPos = atof(yPosStr);
// LOG_MSG((" Position Received by Controller : %f %f "...
//std::cout <<"xPos is" << xPos <<std::endl;
//std::cout << "The mesage count is" << messageCount <<...
my->setPosition(pos.x(), pos.y(), pos.z() - yPos);
void MyController::onCollision(CollisionEvent &evt) {
extern "C" Controller * createController() {
return new MyController;
--Run the code to make .so file.
./ LToolController.cpp
3. Create the world file, which has a stick tool and obje...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
<world name="myworld1">
<gravity x="0.0" y="-9.8" z="0.0"/>
<instanciate class="robot_test.xml">
<set-attr-value name="name" value="robot_test"/>
<set-attr-value name="language" value="c++"/>
<set-attr-value name="implementation"
<set-attr-value name="dynamics" value="true"/>
<set-attr-value name="mass" value="4.5"/>
<set-attr-value name="collision" value="true"/>
<set-attr-value name="x" value="10.0"/>
<set-attr-value name="y" value="1.0"/>
<set-attr-value name="z" value="40.0"/>
<set-attr-value name="qw" value="0.707"/>
<set-attr-value name="qx" value="0.707"/>
<set-attr-value name="qy" value="0.0"/>
<set-attr-value name="qz" value="0.0"/>
<instanciate class="robot_box.xml">
<set-attr-value name="name" value="box_001"/>
<set-attr-value name="mass" value="1.5"/>
<set-attr-value name="dynamics" value="true"/>
<set-attr-value name="collision" value="true"/>
<set-attr-value name="x" value="10.0"/>
<set-attr-value name="y" value="1.0"/>
<set-attr-value name="z" value="36.0"/>
<set-attr-value name="qw" value="0.707"/>
<set-attr-value name="qx" value="0.707"/>
<set-attr-value name="qy" value="0.0"/>
<set-attr-value name="qz" value="0.0"/>
<worldParam erp="0.5" cfm="1e-8" autostep="true" quickste...
<collisionParam mu="0.9" mu2="0.02" slip1="0.01" slip2="0...
soft_erp="0.8" soft_cfm="0.00001" bounc...
--The robot_test.xml to create xml file for stick tool.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
<define-class name="robot_test" inherit="Agent.xml">
--The robot_text.x3d to create stick tool.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<X3D profile="Immersive" version="3.0">
<ProtoDeclare name='Joint' >
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFVec3f' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFNode' name=...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFFloat' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFRotation' n...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFString' nam...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFRotation' n...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFVec3f' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFRotation' n...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFFloat' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFVec3f' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFFloat' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFFloat' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFString' nam...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFFloat' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFVec3f' name...
<connect nodeField='children' protoField='childr...
<connect nodeField='center' protoField='cent...
<connect nodeField='rotation' protoField='r...
<connect nodeField='scale' protoField='...
<connect nodeField='scaleOrientation' ...
<connect nodeField='translation' p...
<ProtoDeclare name='Segment' >
<field accessType='initializeOnly' type='SFVec3f' n...
<field accessType='initializeOnly' type='SFVec3f' n...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFVec3f' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFNode' name=...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFNode' name=...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFNode' name=...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFFloat' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFFloat' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFString' nam...
<field accessType='inputOnly' type='MFNode' name='a...
<field accessType='inputOnly' type='MFNode' name='r...
<connect nodeField='children' protoField='childr...
<connect nodeField='addChildren' protoField=...
<connect nodeField='removeChildren' protoFi...
<connect nodeField='bboxCenter' protoFi...
<connect nodeField='bboxSize' protoFie...
<ProtoDeclare name='Humanoid' >
<field accessType='initializeOnly' type='SFVec3f' n...
<field accessType='initializeOnly' type='SFVec3f' n...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFVec3f' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFNode' name=...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFString' nam...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFNode' name=...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFString' nam...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFRotation' n...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFVec3f' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFRotation' n...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFNode' name=...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFNode' name=...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFVec3f' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFString' nam...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFNode' name=...
<connect nodeField='bboxCenter' protoField='bbox...
<connect nodeField='bboxSize' protoField='bb...
<connect nodeField='center' protoField='cen...
<connect nodeField='rotation' protoFiel...
<connect nodeField='scale' protoField=...
<connect nodeField='scaleOrientati...
<connect nodeField='translation' ...
<connect nodeField='ch...
<connect n...
<ProtoInstance name='Humanoid' DEF="HRP1" contain...
<fieldValue name='info' value='"Test Joint"' />
<fieldValue name='name' value='sample' />
<fieldValue name='version' value='1.1' />
<ProtoInstance name='Joint' DEF="JOINT0" container...
<fieldValue name='name' value='JOINT0' />
<fieldValue name='jointType' value='free' />
<fieldValue name='jointId' value='1.0' />
<ProtoInstance name='Joint' DEF="JOINT1" container...
<fieldValue name='name' value='JOINT1' />
<fieldValue name='jointId' value='2.0' />
<fieldValue name='jointType' value='fixed' />
<ProtoInstance name='Segment' DEF="LINK1" ...
<fieldValue name='name' value='LINK1' />
<fieldValue name='mass' value='0.5' />
<Transform rotation='0.0 0.0 1.0 1.57'>
<Box size="2 16 2"/>
<Material diffuseColor='0.6 0.8 0....
<!-- <ProtoInstance name='Joint' DEF="JOINT2" ...
<fieldValue name='name' value='JOINT2' />
<fieldValue name='translation' value='-8.0 0...
<fieldValue name='jointType' value='fixed' />
<fieldValue name='jointAxis' value='1.0 0.0 ...
<fieldValue name='jointId' value='3.0' />
<ProtoInstance name='Segment' DEF="LINK2" ...
<fieldValue name='name' value='LINK2' />
<fieldValue name='centerOfMass' value='0.0...
<fieldValue name='mass' value='0.5' />
<Transform rotation='0.0 0.0 0.0 0'>
<Box size="2 16 2"/>
<Material diffuseColor='0.6 0.6 ...
<!-- <ProtoInstance name='Joint' DEF="JOINT2" ...
<fieldValue name='name' value='JOINT2' />
<fieldValue name='translation' value='0.5 5.0 0...
<fieldValue name='jointType' value='fixed' />
<fieldValue name='jointAxis' value='1.0 0.0 0.0...
<fieldValue name='jointId' value='3.0' />
<ProtoInstance name='Segment' DEF="LINK2" con...
<fieldValue name='name' value='LINK2' />
<fieldValue name='centerOfMass' value='8.0 2....
<fieldValue name='mass' value='0.5' />
<Transform rotation='0.0 0.0 1.0 1.57'>
<Box size="2 16 2"/>
<Material diffuseColor='0.6 0.6 0.1' />
</ProtoInstance> -->
--The robot_box.xml to create the xml file of small box.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
<define-class name="robot_box" inherit="Agent.xml">
--The robot_box.x3d to create a small box.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<X3D profile="Immersive" version="3.0">
<ProtoDeclare name='Joint' >
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFVec3f' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFNode' name=...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFFloat' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFRotation' n...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFString' nam...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFRotation' n...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFVec3f' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFRotation' n...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFFloat' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFVec3f' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFFloat' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFFloat' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFString' nam...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFFloat' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFVec3f' name...
<connect nodeField='children' protoField='childr...
<connect nodeField='center' protoField='cent...
<connect nodeField='rotation' protoField='r...
<connect nodeField='scale' protoField='...
<connect nodeField='scaleOrientation' ...
<connect nodeField='translation' p...
<ProtoDeclare name='Segment' >
<field accessType='initializeOnly' type='SFVec3f' n...
<field accessType='initializeOnly' type='SFVec3f' n...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFVec3f' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFNode' name=...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFNode' name=...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFNode' name=...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFFloat' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFFloat' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFString' nam...
<field accessType='inputOnly' type='MFNode' name='a...
<field accessType='inputOnly' type='MFNode' name='r...
<connect nodeField='children' protoField='childr...
<connect nodeField='addChildren' protoField=...
<connect nodeField='removeChildren' protoFi...
<connect nodeField='bboxCenter' protoFi...
<connect nodeField='bboxSize' protoFie...
<ProtoDeclare name='Humanoid' >
<field accessType='initializeOnly' type='SFVec3f' n...
<field accessType='initializeOnly' type='SFVec3f' n...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFVec3f' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFNode' name=...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFString' nam...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFNode' name=...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFString' nam...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFRotation' n...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFVec3f' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFRotation' n...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFNode' name=...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFNode' name=...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFVec3f' name...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFString' nam...
<field accessType='inputOutput' type='MFNode' name=...
<connect nodeField='bboxCenter' protoField='bbox...
<connect nodeField='bboxSize' protoField='bb...
<connect nodeField='center' protoField='cen...
<connect nodeField='rotation' protoFiel...
<connect nodeField='scale' protoField=...
<connect nodeField='scaleOrientati...
<connect nodeField='translation' ...
<connect nodeField='ch...
<connect n...
<ProtoInstance name='Humanoid' DEF="HRP1" contain...
<fieldValue name='info' value='"Test Joint"' />
<fieldValue name='name' value='sample' />
<fieldValue name='version' value='1.1' />
<ProtoInstance name='Joint' DEF="JOINT0" container...
<fieldValue name='name' value='JOINT0' />
<fieldValue name='jointType' value='free' />
<fieldValue name='jointId' value='1.0' />
<ProtoInstance name='Joint' DEF="JOINT1" container...
<fieldValue name='name' value='JOINT1' />
<fieldValue name='jointId' value='2.0' />
<fieldValue name='jointType' value='fixed' />
<ProtoInstance name='Segment' DEF="LINK1" ...
<fieldValue name='name' value='LINK1' />
<fieldValue name='mass' value='0.1' />
<Transform rotation='0.0 0.0 1.0 1.57'>
<Box size="2 2 2"/>
<Material diffuseColor='0.0 1.0 0....
<!-- <ProtoInstance name='Joint' DEF="JOINT2" ...
<fieldValue name='name' value='JOINT2' />
<fieldValue name='translation' value='-8.0 0...
<fieldValue name='jointType' value='fixed' />
<fieldValue name='jointAxis' value='1.0 0.0 ...
<fieldValue name='jointId' value='3.0' />
<ProtoInstance name='Segment' DEF="LINK2" ...
<fieldValue name='name' value='LINK2' />
<fieldValue name='centerOfMass' value='0.0...
<fieldValue name='mass' value='0.5' />
<Transform rotation='0.0 0.0 0.0 0'>
<Box size="2 16 2"/>
<Material diffuseColor='0.6 0.6 ...
<!-- <ProtoInstance name='Joint' DEF="JOINT2" ...
<fieldValue name='name' value='JOINT2' />
<fieldValue name='translation' value='0.5 5.0 0...
<fieldValue name='jointType' value='fixed' />
<fieldValue name='jointAxis' value='1.0 0.0 0.0...
<fieldValue name='jointId' value='3.0' />
<ProtoInstance name='Segment' DEF="LINK2" con...
<fieldValue name='name' value='LINK2' />
<fieldValue name='centerOfMass' value='8.0 2....
<fieldValue name='mass' value='0.5' />
<Transform rotation='0.0 0.0 1.0 1.57'>
<Box size="2 16 2"/>
<Material diffuseColor='0.6 0.6 0.1' />
</ProtoInstance> -->
4. Please load the world file -w ./ToolsOnTable.xml -p write_your_por...
5. Go to Services-->Add-->MyServiceTest.sig and then Serv...
This shall add your mouse service.
6. Please click "Start" to run the simulation.
7. When you use left click the mouse events are captured ...