(Turtlebot2)Operate with Keyboard
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[[Tutorial using ROS for ver.3]]
&color(red){&size(40){ROS Noetic Not Supported};};
* Control Turtlebot2 with keyboard [#turtlebot2_key_teleop]
** Startup Procedure [#xaaf5a19]
Start the Ubuntu side and then the Windows side.
*** Ubuntu side startup procedure [#he2ae03c]
Open a new terminal and run the following command:
$ roslaunch sigverse_turtlebot2 teleop_key.launch
*** Windows side startup procedure [#ifc7cd9b]
Start the [Assets/SIGVerse/ExampleScenes/Turtlebot2/Turtl...
** Run [#h6d18830]
TurtleBot2 moves when you perform keyboard operations on ...
Moving around:
u i o
j k l
m , .
q/z : increase/decrease max speeds by 10%
w/x : increase/decrease only linear speed by 10%
e/c : increase/decrease only angular speed by 10%
space key, k : stop
If you want to finish, stop the Unity side and then the R...
Unity side(The details may differ from the latest version)
''Reference Video''
[[Tutorial using ROS for ver.3]]
&color(red){&size(40){ROS Noetic Not Supported};};
* Control Turtlebot2 with keyboard [#turtlebot2_key_teleop]
** Startup Procedure [#xaaf5a19]
Start the Ubuntu side and then the Windows side.
*** Ubuntu side startup procedure [#he2ae03c]
Open a new terminal and run the following command:
$ roslaunch sigverse_turtlebot2 teleop_key.launch
*** Windows side startup procedure [#ifc7cd9b]
Start the [Assets/SIGVerse/ExampleScenes/Turtlebot2/Turtl...
** Run [#h6d18830]
TurtleBot2 moves when you perform keyboard operations on ...
Moving around:
u i o
j k l
m , .
q/z : increase/decrease max speeds by 10%
w/x : increase/decrease only linear speed by 10%
e/c : increase/decrease only angular speed by 10%
space key, k : stop
If you want to finish, stop the Unity side and then the R...
Unity side(The details may differ from the latest version)
''Reference Video''