
--Just a sample program, not used in the main SIGServer
--Code for control a joint from command prompot mode. (not used now)

--Just a sample program, not used in the main SIGServer
--Code for control a joint from command prompot mode. (not used now)

--Drawing a view in the server. But not used now. Drawing is only performed by SIGViewer now.

- Joint.cpp / Joint.h
-- Very important. Control of Joint, not only humanoid/avatar model, but also simple structure uses this file (class)
-- Connection with ODE is written by this file

-- Used by ServerAcceptProc.h important

- LogTransfer.cpp / LogTransfer.h
-- Inheritance of Logger::Listner class
-- We guess log will be trasnfered to SIGVIewer

- Makefile.am
-- Important. Makefile configuration for automake command.

- Makefile.all Makefile.base Makefile.dep Makefile.glview Makefile.server Makefile.standalone
-- Not so important.

- ODEObj.h
-- Manage the ODE parameters

- ODEWorld.cpp / ODEWorld.h
-- Control / connection to ODE.
-- Collision detection, progress the dynamics are executed by this file.

- PacketForward.cpp / PacketForward.h
-- Not used now. We guess old version of communication protocol.


-SParts.cpp / SParts.h
-- management of Parts of ODE

- SSimEntity.cpp / SSimEntity.h
-- (Server Simulator Entity)
-- reading x3d file, which has complex goemetry  in SIGServer. But not used now, future functions

- SSimObj.cpp / SSimObj.h
-- (Server Simulator Object)
-- Class which has Joint and Parts which corresponded to each 'object' such as humanoid robot, can, pet bottle and so on.

- SSimWorld.cpp
-- Class which has all the SSimObj in the world.

- ServerAcceptProc.cpp / ServerAcceptProc.h
-- Class for accepting request from client, that is SIGViewer, controller, SIGService
-- Observe the request from client at any time by thread

- ServiceNameServer.cpp / ServiceNameServer.h
-- Name service server. Name is defined by SIGViewer, SIGService.
-- Name of controller is defined, but it is not clear whether it is managed by this class or not.

- SimGround.cpp / SimGround.h
-- Definition of ground (default ground)

- SimViewPoint.cpp / .h
-- Not used now. Old function. related to OpenGL drawing function is the SIGServer

-- Get detailed information in the world, for example due to a request from 
controller by GetEntities API

-- Very Important
-- Response to request from SIGViewer/Controller/Service

-- Definition of type of request from clients.
-- 1 to 40 is used now.

-X3DParser.cfg / X3DParser.cfg.in
-- Configuration file, used by java

-conf (directory)

-fname.c / fname.h
-- Filename manager (Not used so many time)

-gltools.cpp / gltools.h / glview.cpp
-- Old functions to control OpenGL in the SIGServer

-jjudge.c / jjudge.h
-- Tools for management of Japanese strings

-readconf (directory)
-- So many files used for reading geometry files, parsing, storing to memory and so on.
-- Most important file si SgvX3DSimObjCreator.cpp
-- Very complex...

-sigcreate.sh / sigkill.sh
-- Shell scripts to start/kill the Server

-- configuration file to create above shell scripts

-- Main function of SIGServer
-- Reservation of 5 socket ports. Now, the digit 5 is embedded as magic number. -- TODO

-- Just test functions for developer. Not used by users

- simserver : real files / real sorce codes
- server : working directory for compilation
- commonlib
-- Used / shared by both of SIGServer and controller

- CommonUtil.cpp
-- Communication protocol

- commonlib/ct
-- Main loop of controller     
- CTReader
-- Check whether a message is arrived to a controller
-- When the server receives a request 'create controller', The server create a new process with fork and replace the program with a short simple main function written in this commonlib/ct source codesa
and dynamic link library (controller.so) provided by users.

* SIGViewer [#l5c04cd6]

- shape (directory) : concrete object file by x3d
- x3d (directory)  uses Xj3D. c++
- Xj3D (directory)  used by x3d, Java

- BaseApplication.cpp / BaseApplication.h
-- Inheritance of ORGE system for the basic functions

- CEGUI.log / Ogre.log
-- log file 

- SIGService.cpp / SIGService.h
-- Functions for SIGService, but it is exclusive for SIGViewer.
-- TODO : filename of this class and general SIGService class is the same. It should be distinguished by file name.

- SIGVerse.ini
-- configuration file . important

- SIGVerse.log / SIGViewerParser.log / SIGViewerParser_test.log
-- log

- SIGViewer.aps / SIGViewer.rc / SIGViewer.vcproj...
-- used by VC++

- SgvEntity.cpp / SgvEntity.h
-- holding Results of reading of x3d . detailed appearance is stored in this class.

- SgvEntity_tmp.cpp
-- ??? Not used

- SgvLog.cpp / SgvLog.h
-- Log management

- SgvSocket.cpp / SgvSocket.h  / SgvSocket.log
-- related to server:commonlib/CommUtil.cpp

- SgvX3D.cpp  / SgvX3D.h
-- For Parsing 
-- This class calls x3d/Xj3D functions 

- ViewerService.cpp  / ViewerService.h
-- SIGService (not the same as general SIGService for users) in the SIGViewer.
-- Currently we have three functions: distance sensor, DetectEntities, captureView

- WinMain.cpp
-- main function of SIGViewer

- X3DParser.cfg
-- Definition of max size of java (default is 500MB)
-- If a user uses old,poor computer, the max size should be reduced.

- binary.h
-- a kind of compressor for communication

- orge.cfg
-- We don't need to modify

- plugins.cfg
-- used by orge plugin

- resorce.h

- Other sources
-- SIGService for general users (creating new Service providers)
-- HMD Service
-- Kinect Service
-- (Trash Recog Service)

- SIGViewerInstller/ SIGViewer.iss 
-- configuration for installation package manager

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