
If you have any question, please contact yoann.dutel@outlook.fr


*Introduction [#l64cca14]

This sample consist at different function to control a robot in SIGVerse.

You can :
- Move the robot with a position control and speed just with destination coordinates. There are an option to move the robot with obstacle avoidance.
- Move the two arm with a position control for each joint just with final value of joints.
- Function to grasp and release an object.
- Determine a new coordinate to grasp an object on a table.
- Function to change of basis (world coordinate to robot coordinate)

*Requirements [#f3d604ef]

- Ubuntu 32/64 bit PC. (Ubuntu installed on virtual machine is also file)
- SIGServer 2.2.2 or later
- SIGViewer 2.2.0 or later

*Robot controller [#xc8790c9]

*** Download the source code from GitHub [#a58bb3c2]

You can clone the entire repository by running :
 $ git clone https://github.com/SIGVerse/samples.git
Or you can get the source code here on Github : https://github.com/SIGVerse/samples/tree/master/RobotControl

Then place on the good directory :
 $ cd samples/ControlRobot/

*** Build the project [#q07862eb]

Build the source code in your working directory.
 $ make

*** Run the program [#k54b69fc]

Chooze your <xml> file for the environment. 
Include in the package, the <xml> of  EGPSR  environment.

If you would change the environment, specify the ControlRobot.so and its location within workspace directory.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>

<instanciate class="WheelRobot-nii-v1.xml" type="Robot">
  <set-attr-value name="name" value="robot_000"/>
  <set-attr-value name="language" value="c++"/>
  <set-attr-value name="implementation"
  <set-attr-value name="dynamics" value="false"/>
  <set-attr-value name="x" value="0.0"/>
  <set-attr-value name="y" value="30.0"/>
  <set-attr-value name="z" value="0.0"/>
  <set-attr-value name="collision" value="true"/>

    <!--stereo camera right-->
  <camera id="1"
          direction="0.0 0.0 1.0"
          position="0.0 0.0 3.0"/>
    <!--stereo camera left-->
  <camera id="2"
          direction="0.0 0.0 1.0"
          position="0.0 0.0 3.0"/>
    <!--distance sensor-->
  <camera id="3"
          direction="0.0 0.0 1.0"
          position="0.0 -5.0 20.0"/>
    <!--monitoring camera-->
  <camera id="4"
          direction="0 0 1"
          quaternion="0.0 0.0 -0.966 0.259"
          position="0.0 40.0 120.0"/>

*** Starting the simulation [#bcbb7188]

In your working directory : 
 $ sigserver.sh -w ./house_example.xml 

*How use the template [#k54b69fc]

You can use a demonstrator for each function in this template. You must send a specific command for each function.

-To move the robot without obstacle avoidance
--1) In SIGViewer, send the message "move" to the robot
--2) In SIGServer, indicate the destination coordinate
--3) In SIGServer, indicate "2" for avoidance

-To move the robot with obstacle avoidance
--1) In SIGViewer, send the message "move" to the robot
--2) In SIGServer, indicate the destination coordinate
--3) In SIGServer, indicate "1" for avoidance
--Caution : the distance sensor is not completly operational

-To move the arm
--1) In SIGViewer, send the message "move_left_arm" or "move_right_arm" to the robot
--2) In SIGServer, indicate the angle for each joints (refer to [[JointDefinition]] for the names)

-To grasp an object on a table automatically
--1) In SIGViewer, send the message "grasp_planning" to the robot
--2) In SIGServer, indicate the name of the table and the object that you would grasp
--This function is a little demonstration how we can use all functions

-To get hand coordinates in robot basis
--1) In SIGViewer, send the message "get_LeftHand" or "get_RightHand" to the robot
--2) In SIGServer, you can see the coordinate of the hand.

-To grasp an object
--1) In SIGViewer, send the message "grasp_left" or "grasp_right" to the robot
--2) In SIGServer, indicate the object name.

-To release an object
--1) In SIGViewer, send the message "release_left" or "release_right" to the robot

* How use the different function in others task [#k54b69fc]

*** goTo(Vector3d pos, double rangeToPoint=0, double Robot_speed=3) [#k54b69fc]
This function is to move the robot in his environment. The robot go in straight line and his trajectory is automatically corrected during the movement.
-This function has need :
--pos : the destination coordinates
--rangeToPoint : the distance between coordinates and real position
--Robot_speed : speed of the robot (initially : 3)
-Return true if the position is reached
-This function must be used only in OnAction

*** goTo_AvoidObstacle(Vector3d pos, double rangeToPoint=0, double Robot_speed=3) [#k54b69fc]
This function is to move the robot in his environment too but the trajectory is corrected if there is an obstacle in the front of the robot.
Caution : this function is not totally finish. There are a bug with the distance sensor.
-This function has need :
--pos : the destination coordinates
--rangeToPoint : the distance between coordinates and real position
--Robot_speed : speed of the robot (initially : 3)
-Return true if the position is reached
-This function must be used only in OnAction

*** distance_sensor() [#k54b69fc]
This function return the distance between the camera and an obstacle.
For more informations, refer to the tutorial [[Distance sensor]]
-This function has need to be connect at SIGViewer with a ViewService
-Return : the distance

*** moveLeftArm() or moveRightArm() [#k54b69fc]
These functions move the arm with a velocity in each joint.
-These functions don't need others to run properly
-Write the value of each joint in the global variable <m_joint_left[7]> or <m_joint_right[7]>
-Return true if the angles value are reached
-This function must be used only in OnAction

***grasp_left_hand(std::string &object) or grasp_left_hand(std::string &object)[#k54b69fc]
These functions grasp an object in the robot hand.
-These functions don't need others to run properly
-Parameter : the name of the object to be grasped
-Writes in a global variable if an object is grasped or not
-It's possible to use these functions when we want

***release_left_hand() or release_right_hand() [#r948e68a]
These functions release an object.
-These functions don't need others to run properly
-It's possible to use these functions when we want

***changeBasis_WorldToRobot(Vector3d pos) [#gb3837e2]
This function transform a coordinate in world basis to a coordinate in robot basis. 
-This function has need only getRoll
-Parameter : coordinate in world basis
-Return : coordinate in robot basis


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