#ref(Tutorial at IROS2019/IROS2019_logo.png,70%)

* Overview [#me21a0b1]

A human and a robot log in to the same virtual space. The human can give a cleanup instruction to the robot by pointing.

The human logs in to the virtual space using Windows + VR device (Oculus Rift).~
The robot logs in to the virtual space using Windows + Ubuntu (ROS: Robot Operating System).

Humans and robots (ROS) are connected via the Internet and can communicate in the same virtual space.

In this example, [[Photon Realtime>https://www.photonengine.com/en-US/Realtime]] is used for networking to synchronize multiple VR scenes.

#ref((HSR)Cleanup Task using Cloud and VR/CleanupUsingCloudAndVR_Overview.png)

//* Prerequisites [#r10a7b3e]

//** Common prerequisites [#ofa841b3]

//Using networks is a common prerequisite for humans and robots.

//[[Photon Realtime>https://www.photonengine.com/en-US/Realtime]] is used for networking to synchronize multiple VR scenes.

//~* Make sure that anti-virus software does not block communication.

//The environment constructions when using the cloud and when using the local server are explained in [[Environment construction>#Environments]].

//** Prerequisites for Human (VR) [#s38cc158]

//-Windows environment ~
//In addition to [[basic requirements for using SIGVerse assets>Tutorial for ver.3#SystemRequirements]], [[requirements for using Oculus Rift>https://support.oculus.com/248749509016567/]] is also required.
//-Oculus Rift ~
//Please use Oculus Rift CV1 or Oculus Rift S. ~
//Please install [[Oculus Software>https://www.oculus.com/setup/]] on Windows //and prepare a basic environment to use Oculus Rift.

//** Prerequisites for Robot (ROS) [#y682edd3]

//-Windows environment and Ubuntu environment ~
//See [[here>Tutorial using ROS for ver.3#SystemRequirements]] for details.

* Environment Construction [#Environments]

//The procedure on the human (VR) side and the procedure on the robot (ROS) side are the same.

** Import Oculus Utilities [#k0ec0826]

You need to import Oculus Utilities into your Unity project. 

+ Open the SIGVerse project on Unity Editor.
+ Click [Assets]-[Import Package]-[Custom Package ...] in Unity menu.
+ Select "OculusUtilities.unitypackage" in the "ovr_unity_utilities_Main\OculusUtilities" folder copied from the USB memory stick.
+ Click [Open] button.
+ Click [Import] button.
+ Click [Yes] button on the "Update Oculus Utilities Plugin" window.
+ Click [Restart] button on the "Restart Unity" window.

** Import PUN2 assets [#qb0ad89e]

+ Open the SIGVerse project on Unity Editor.
+ Access [[PUN2 page>https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/network/pun-2-free-119922]] of Unity Asset Store.
+ Sign in to your Unity account from the top right of the page.
+ Click the [Open in Unity] button. "PUN2 - Free" is displayed on the [Asset Store] tab of Unity. 
+ Uncheck ''"Photon/PhotonLibs/WebSocket/websocket-sharp.dll".'' This dll will conflict with the existing one in the SIGVerse.
#ref((HSR)Cleanup Task using Cloud and VR/PUN2ExcludeWebsocket-sharp.png)
+ Click [Import] button.~
+ Click [Skip] button on the [PUN Wizzard] window.
#ref((HSR)Cleanup Task using Cloud and VR/PunWizardLocalServer.png)
+ Click [Close] button.
+ [PhotonServerSettings] will be opened. Modify the settings.~
(You can open the PhotonServerSettings from [Window]-[Photon Unity Networking]-[Highlight Server Settings].)
--- Uncheck [Use Name Server]
--- Enter the IP address of Photon Server in [Server]
--- Enter "5055" in [Port].
#ref((HSR)Cleanup Task using Cloud and VR/PhotonServerSettingsForLocalServer.png)
+ Click [Assets]-[Reimport All] in the Unity menu.
+ Click [Reimport] button to rebuild.

** Modify SIGVerse Settings [#y0decaa9]

+ Click [SIGVerse]-[SIGVerse Settings] to open the SIGVerse settings.
+ Check [Use Oculus] and [Use PUN] in [Define symbols Settings].

#ref((HSR)Cleanup Task using Cloud and VR/SIGVerseSettingsOculusPUN.png)

** Setup Photon Local server [#PhotonServer]

~* Make sure that anti-virus software does not block communication.
//A Photon Server should be set in a local network.

+ Open [Photon-OnPremise-Server-SDK_v4-0-29-11263\deploy\bin_Win64] folder copied from USB memory stick.
+ Execute "PhotonControl.exe". (App icon appears on the Windows taskbar)
+ Click Photon server application in the taskbar of Windows.
+ Click [Game Server IP Config]-[Set local IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx]. (Select a proper local server IP address)
#ref((HSR)Cleanup Task using Cloud and VR/PhotonServerIP.png)
+ Click [LoadBalancing (MyCloud)]-[Start as application] to start Photon Server.
+ Click [LoadBalancing (MyCloud)]-[Run TestClient (LoadBalancing)] and check that no error occurred.
+ Close the console window of the test client.  

Please test the connection to the server 
+ Click [LoadBalancing (MyCloud)]-[Run TestClient (LoadBalancing].

** Import PUN2 assets [#qb0ad89e]

+ Open the SIGVerse project on Unity Editor.
+ Access [[PUN2 page>https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/network/pun-2-free-119922]] of Unity Asset Store.
+ Sign in to your Unity account from the top right of the page.
+ Click the [Open in Unity] button. "PUN2 - Free" is displayed on the [Asset Store] tab of Unity. 
+ Uncheck ''"Photon/PhotonLibs/WebSocket/websocket-sharp.dll".'' This dll will conflict with the existing one in the SIGVerse.
#ref((HSR)Cleanup Task using Cloud and VR/PUN2ExcludeWebsocket-sharp.png)
+ Click [Import] button.~
+ Click [Skip] button on the [PUN Wizzard] window.
#ref((HSR)Cleanup Task using Cloud and VR/PunWizardLocalServer.png)
+ Click [Close] button.
+ [PhotonServerSettings] will be opened. Modify the settings.~
(You can open the PhotonServerSettings from [Window]-[Photon Unity Networking]-[Highlight Server Settings].)
--- Uncheck [Use Name Server]
--- Enter the IP address of Photon Server in [Server]
--- Enter "5055" in [Port].
#ref((HSR)Cleanup Task using Cloud and VR/PhotonServerSettingsForLocalServer.png)
+ Click [Assets]-[Reimport All] in the Unity menu.
+ Click [Reimport] button to rebuild.

* Execution Procedure[#s9ea839c]

In the case of using the local server, Photon server should be launched on a PC in advance. 

//You should [[launch Photon Server>#LaunchPhotonServer]] first.

//To execute the virtual avatar, please follow thw [[following section>#human_execution]].

//To execute the robot software, please follow the [[following section>#robot_execution]].

** Procedure to Login as a Robot (ROS) [#robot_execution]
~* ROS nodes should be launched on the Ubuntu side before the Unity scene is started.

*** Ubuntu side startup procedure [#qd09b4ab]
+ Open a new terminal and execute the following command:
 $ roslaunch sigverse_hsr_teleop_key teleop_key.launch

//To start rviz, execute the following command.
// $ roslaunch sigverse_hsr_teleop_key teleop_key_with_rviz.launch

*** Windows startup procedure [#t197903c]

+ Start the [Assets/SIGVerse/SampleScenes/HSR/HsrCleanupVR(.unity)] scene.
+ Click the [Robot] button to log in as a robot.
//+ If a human is not logged in, wait for the human to log in.

Windows (Login Screen)
#ref((HSR)Cleanup Task using Cloud and VR/HSRCleanupVRLogin.png)

*** Robot Operation [#v04386d7]

You can control HSR by keyboard operation on the teleop_key.launch terminal.
Keyboard commands are shown on a terminal.

Operate the robot and grasp one of the objects on the desk, then bring it to the place where the human points.

~* When you stop the program, please stop the Unity side fist, then stop ROS nodes. 

Ubuntu side
#ref((HSR)Cleanup Task using Cloud and VR/HSRCleanupVRRobotUbuntu.png)

Windows side (Logged in)
#ref((HSR)Cleanup Task using Cloud and VR/HSRCleanupVRRobotWindows.png)

Windows side (Pointing)
#ref((HSR)Cleanup Task using Cloud and VR/HSRCleanupVRRobotWindowsPointing.png)

** Procedure to Login as a Human Avatar (VR) [#human_execution]
~* This step requires a VR ready PC and a VR headset (Oculus Rift CV1 or Oculus Rift S).~
Please see [[requirements for using Oculus Rift>https://support.oculus.com/248749509016567/]]

[[Oculus Software>https://www.oculus.com/setup/]] should be installed on Windows and Oculus Rift should be set up beforehand.

*** Windows startup procedure [#t197903c]

+ Make sure that Oculus Rift is connected and ready for use.
+ Start the [Assets/SIGVerse/SampleScenes/HSR/HsrCleanupVR(.unity)] scene.
+ Click the [Human] button to log in as a human.
//+ If the robot is not logged in, wait for the robot to log in.

Windows (Login Screen)
#ref((HSR)Cleanup Task using Cloud and VR/HSRCleanupVRLogin.png)

*** Instruction to the Robot [#v04386d7]

Operate the human avatar and give cleanup instructions to the robot.

The basic flow is as follows.

+ Send the message "Pick it up!" to the robot while pointing at the target object.
+ Send the message "Clean up!" to the robot while pointing at the destination.

The operation method of Oculus Touch is as follows.

-Pulling the middle finger trigger puts the avatar's hand in the pointing posture.
-When the A or X button is pressed, the message "Pick it up!" is sent to the robot.
-When the B or Y button is pressed, the message "Clean up!" is sent to the robot.
-When you tilt the left stick, the avatar moves in the tilted direction.
-When the right stick is pressed, the message "Good!" is sent to the robot.
-When the left stick is pressed, the message "Bad!" is sent to the robot.

#ref((HSR)Cleanup Task using Cloud and VR/HSRCleanupVRHuman.png)



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