[[Tutorial using ROS for ver.3]] * Execute Cleanup task with TIAGo [#tiago_cleanup] ** Startup Procedure [#me665319] Start the Ubuntu side and then the Windows side. *** Ubuntu side startup procedure [#qccd6d60] Open a new terminal and run the following command: $ roslaunch sigverse_tiago_teleop_key teleop_key.launch To start rviz, execute the following command. $ roslaunch sigverse_tiago_teleop_key teleop_key_with_rviz.launch *** Windows startup procedure [#n848f1a9] Start the [Assets/SIGVerse/ExampleScenes/TIAGo/TIAGoCleanup(.unity)] scene with reference to [[here>Tutorial using ROS for ver.3#open_scene]]. ** Run [#l9669b8f] You can control TIAGo by keyboard operation on the teleop_key.launch terminal. This example is a task to grasp one of the objects on the desk and carry it somewhere. ~ When "1" is entered, task message is sent from Unity to ROS. ~ When "2" is entered, the human avatar will tell you what to grasp and where to carry it by pointing. ~ When "1" is entered on the ROS side, task message is sent from Unity to ROS. ~ When "2" is entered on the ROS side, the human avatar will tell you what to grasp and where to carry it by pointing. Please operate the robot to grasp and carry the target object. ~ If the cleanup task is successful, "Task Finished" is displayed. ~* Check the terminal for details of the operation. If you want to finish, stop the Unity side and then the ROS side. Ubuntu side Ubuntu side (The details may differ from the latest version) #ref(TIAGoCleanupUbuntu.png) Windows side Windows side (The details may differ from the latest version) #ref(TIAGoCleanupWindows.png) ---- //''Reference Video'' ~ //#youtube(XCnT7523mFo) ''Reference Video'' #youtube(qdPrYuMoHS0) ---- #counter