*How to add a request to server from the Viewer [#m1a54945]

- This document is written by Mickael Nicolaccini

Example case: Add a new element/ parameter in world xml file and load this parameter using a new request.
+ Add a element to parse in the Xml file
+ 	Prepare where how to store your new data, and how to access it. In my case I used SSimWorld.h
++ 	Variable
++	Accessor: get/set
+	Modify WorldXMLReader.cpp, add the new Tags in the parser (in the big if/else)
++	Use the set accessor
+	Add in WordSimulator.h, a ID and a name for your event
++	Be carefull to REQUEST_SIZE 
+	Add a request to Winmain.h (viewer side)
+	Add to WordSimulator.cpp a case when answer to your request
++	Use the get accessor
++	Convert datas in string
++	Use the socket: s
+++	send first the size of the message (size is store in char[6])
+++ then send the message  
      // std::cout <<"FROM WorldSimulator" << m_posMcam.x() << " " << m_posMcam.y() << " "<< m_posMcam.z() << std::endl ; //DISPLAY DEBUG
      std::ostringstream sstream;
        Vector3d m_posMcam  = w->get_posMcam();
        sstream << m_posMcam.x() << " " << m_posMcam.y()  <<  " "  <<  m_posMcam.z() ;
         Vector3d m_lookAtMcam  = w->get_lookAtMcam();
         sstream << " lookAt: " <<m_lookAtMcam.x() << " " << m_lookAtMcam.y()  <<  " "  <<  m_lookAtMcam.z() ;
      else if(w->quartMcam())
        double * quart =w->get_quaternionMcam();
        sstream << " quaternion: " <<quart[0]<< " " << quart[1]  <<  " "  <<  quart[2] <<  " "  <<  quart[3] ;
      std::string msg = sstream.str();
      char bsize[6];
      int nbyte = (int)msg.size() ;
      sprintf(bsize, "%.6d", nbyte);
      msg = std::string(bsize) + msg;
      //std::cout <<"Message From WSim: "<< msg << " size: " << nbyte<<std::endl; // DEBUG DISPLAY
      if(!sendData(s, msg.c_str(), nbyte+6)){
           std::cout << "fail to send pos cam";
        return false;
      // else
        // std::cout << "send succefully " << std::endl ;
+	Viewer side, Add to Winmain.cpp a case to send  your request
++	Use the function: sendRequest(),
++	the socket mSock to receive the contain
++	Parse the contain
++	Apply the contain
 if(sendRequest(GET_MAIN_CAM)) // get the position and the direction of the main camera from the server 
    mLog->printf(Sgv::LogBase::INFO, "GET_MAIN_CAM succeeded %s", ipString.c_str());
    mLog->info("GET_MAIN_CAM: OK");
    char hbuf[6];
    memset(hbuf, '\0', sizeof(hbuf)); // to avoid memory bug
    if(!mSock->recvData(hbuf, 6)){// receive size of the message
        delete [] &hbuf;
        MessageBox( NULL,"the Loading of the size of the message containning camera parrameters has failed ", _T("Error"), MB_OK); // DEBUG display
        return false;
     int nbyte = atoi(hbuf);
      // MessageBox( NULL,hbuf, _T("Error"), MB_OK); // DEBUG display
     if(nbyte > 0 )
        char *buf(NULL);
        buf = new char[nbyte];
        memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); // to avoid memory bug
        if(!mSock->recvData(buf,nbyte)){// receive size of the message
            delete [] &buf;
            MessageBox( NULL,"the Loading of camera parrameters has failed ", _T("Error"), MB_OK);
            return false;
          // MessageBox( NULL,buf, _T("Error"), MB_OK); // DEBUG display
        delete [] &buf;


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