
If you have an account on SIGVerse server at NII, you can skip the installation of basis of the SIGVerse core system.

** Installation of SIGVerse server on socio [#p5d0488d]

Login to the SIGVerse host server (socio.iir.nii.ac.jp) with your account, copy the latest package from /home/ikari09 named irwas-sim-<version>.tar.gz to your home directory. <version> indicates the version number. The latest version number is 100908 (at 2010-10-18)

  $ cd
  $ cp /home/ikari09/irwas-sim-<version>.tar.gz .
  $ tar xzvf irwas-sim-<version>.tar.gz

Move to the extracted directory; execute the configure. <username> indicates your account name.

  $ cd irwas-sim-<version>
  $./configure --prefix=/home/<username>/sigverse-<version> \ 
  > --with-jvm=/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_12/jre/lib/amd64/server/ \
  > --with-julius=/usr/local/bin/julius \
  > --with-dictkit=/usr/local/share/dictation-kit-v4.0

  $ make
  $ make install

prefix indicates your favorite directory which should be used by SIGVerse server.


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