
System Overview

Virtual world simulation is achieved using Unity.
Unity is a game engine with an integrated development environment.
Many VR devices can be used in Unity, which helps to reflect the real world human behavior in the virtual world.

Robots in the virtual world are controlled using ROS (Robot Operating System).
ROS is a software platform for robots and can control many real robots.

Using a VR device, a human can log into the virtual world and communicate with the robot in the virtual world.
It is also possible to control real robots using the ROS robot controller that can work in a virtual world.
SIGVerse can thus be a real world alternative for robots.

The system overview of SIGVerse is shown below.

#ref(): File not found: "System_Overview.png" at page "System"

Unity runs on Windows and ROS runs on Ubuntu.
Unity and ROS are connected using rosbridge and sigverse_rosbrige.

Use rosbrige to send / receive commands and small data for operating the robot.
Use sigverse_rosbridge to send large data such as robot sensor data (RGB images, etc.) to ROS.
Since sigverse_rosbridge is in BSON format, it is possible to send and receive binary data efficiently.

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