

* Introduction To SIGverse 3.0 [#m9140c83]
* System Overview [#g29a0fd9]

** Introduction [#qeb8af35]
Virtual world simulation is achieved using [[Unity>https://unity.com/]]. ~
Unity is a game engine with an integrated development environment. ~
Many VR devices can be used in Unity, which helps to reflect the real world human behavior in the virtual world.

[[Old Page>Introduction_old]]
Robots in the virtual world are controlled using [[ROS (Robot Operating System)>http://wiki.ros.org/]]. ~
ROS is a software platform for robots and can control many real robots. ~

A real human (test subject) can log into the virtual world through general VR devices to interact with the virtual robot in the virtual world. ~
You can apply the original software, which is used to control the real robot based on ROS, to the virtual robot without any modification. ~
//<!— SIGVerse can thus be a real world alternative for robots.—>

* Links [#o19e24e2]
The following figure shows the system architecture of the SIGVerse.

- [[Inamura Laboratory>http://www.iir.nii.ac.jp/lab/index-e/]]
- [[SIGVerse source code (GitHub)>https://github.com/SIGVerse]]
- [[The RoboCup Japanese National Committee (Japanese)>http://www.robocup.or.jp/]]

Unity is executed on Windows and ROS runs on Ubuntu. ~
Unity and ROS are connected using rosbridge and sigverse_rosbrige.

Use rosbrige to send / receive commands and small data for operating the robot. ~
Use sigverse_rosbridge to send large data such as robot sensor data (RGB images, etc.) to ROS. ~
Since sigverse_rosbridge is in BSON format, it is possible to send and receive binary data efficiently.

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