Maing of world file

This section explains how to make world file to let object fall with gravity.

Directory configuration

The initial directory configuration is shown in the following figure.

      |     +----sigverse       
                    |     |----xml
                    |     +----shape

This time, we create a new directory under sigverse-<version>/bin to let this directory as working space.

Making of controller of the agent

Move to the following directory to create new working space.

$ cd ~/sigverse-<version>/bin
$ mkdir NewWorld
$ cd NewWorld

Create MoveController.cpp with text editor such as emacs, vi and so on.

$ emacs MoveController.cpp


#include "Controller.h"
#include "Logger.h"

//Statement of MoveController which is subclass of Controller.
class MoveController : public Controller {

  //Statement of usage of onAction which is called periodically.
  double onAction(ActionEvent&);

double MoveController::onAction(ActionEvent &evt) {
  return 5.0;      //次にonActionが呼ばれるまでの時間を返します。

extern "C" Controller * createController() {
     return new MoveController;

If you see Japanese code or strange character code, please delete those strange characters.

This controller don't control anything. Idel function onAction is called in every 5 seconds.


The following Makefile is recommended to compile the controller.

$ emacs Makefile


#SIGVerse server source tree
SIG_SRC  = /home/<username>/sigverse-<version>/include/sigverse

#Specifying of object file
OBJS     =

all: $(OBJS)

#compilation rule
./ ./%.cpp
        g++ -DCONTROLLER -DNDEBUG -DUSE_ODE -I$(SIG_SRC) -I$(SIG_SRC)/comm/controller  -fPIC -shared -o $@   $<

You should replace <username> as your account ID, <version> as the version number respectively. Before the g++ in the above Makefile should be TAB (not space). Be careful on that point.

Execute make to compile the controller

$ make

The compilation is succeeded if you can see

$ ls
Makefile  MoveController.cpp

Creation of the world file

Create a world file on sigverse-<version>/share/sigverse/data/xml

$ cd ~/sigverse-<version>/share/sigverse/data/xml
$ emacs NewWorld.xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
<world name="newworld">

  <gravity x="0.0" y="-9.8" z="0.0"/>  
  <instanciate class="seToy_D.xml">

        <set-attr-value name="name" value="Toy_D"/>  

        <set-attr-value name="language" value="c++"/> 

        <set-attr-value name="implementation"

        <set-attr-value name="dynamics" value="true"/>
        <set-attr-value name="x" value="0.0"/>
        <set-attr-value name="y" value="18.0"/>
        <set-attr-value name="z" value="5.0"/>

In this process, this world file defines "dynamics" as "true" to execute dynamics simulation.

Start the simulation

$ cd ~/sigverse-<version>/bin
$ ./ -w NewWorld.xml -p 9001
[SYS]  waiting for connection...
[SYS]  Controller attached to "Toy_D"
[SYS] connected
[SYS]  Toy_D : dataport
[SYS] connected

You should specify the created world file with -w option.

Since the world file specified the new controller, controller is attached automatically on the agent "Toy_D" without execution of sigrunac. Next, input target host name and port number to connect to the SIGVerse server. Click the "Connect to SimServer" button.

#ref(): File not found: "toy_1.jpg" at page "Samples/Dynamics simulation"

You can see the agent Toy_D stands at the position (0.0, 18.0, 5.0) which is defined in the world file. Y axis indicates vertical direction is SIGVerse.

Next click the Send button after changing the state of frame SIM_CTRL_CMD as START to start the simulation.

#ref(): File not found: "toy_2.jpg" at page "Samples/Dynamics simulation"

You can see the agent Toy_D is falling down and vaulting on the follow.

Put force on the agent

Change the controller MoveController.cpp to put outer force on the agent.

$ cd NewWorld
$ emacs MoveController.cpp

Add the following 2 lines after

double MoveController::onAction(ActionEvent &evt) {
SimObj *obj = getObj(myname());  //Get object ID of agent itself
obj->setForce(0,0,300);          //Put force on the z axis, quantity is 300.

Compile and execute

$ make
$ cd ..
$ ./ -w NewWorld.xml -p 9001

You can see the agent is moving every 5 seconds with receiving outer force on z sxis.

#ref(): File not found: "toy_3.jpg" at page "Samples/Dynamics simulation"

You can use setAccel and setTorque not only setForce.


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