このウェブは,社会的知能発生学シミュレータ(SIGVerse ™)の情報を発信するページです.
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*** SIGVerse™とは? [#leade406]



*** 社会的知能発生学とは? [#i36a6be0]
*** What is SIGVerse [#v45f90e8]

Understanding the mechanism of intelligence in human beings and animals is
one of the most important approaches to developing intelligent robot
systems. Since the mechanisms of such real-life intelligent systems are so
complex, such as the physical interactions between agents and their
environment and the social interactions between agents, comprehension and
knowledge in many peripheral fields such as cognitive science,
developmental psychology, brain science, evolutionary biology, and
robotics. Discussions from an interdisciplinary aspect are very important
for implementing this approach, but such collaborative research is
time-consuming and labor-intensive, and it is difficult to obtain fruitful
results from such research because the basis of experiments is very
different in each research field. In the social science field, for example,
several multi-agent simulation systems have been proposed for modeling
factors such as social interactions and language evolution, whereas
robotics researchers often use dynamics and sensor simulators. However,
there is no integrated system that uses both physical simulations and
social communication simulations.

Therefore, we have been developing a simulator environment called SIGVerse,
which is a simulator that combines dynamics, perception, and communication
simulations for synthetic approaches to research into the genesis of social
intelligence. In this paper, we introduce SIGVerse, its example application
and perspectives.

*** どうすれば使えるの? [#x93b8c18]
*** What is SocioIntelliGenesis? [#id3e0464]

This keyword is innovated by Special Interest Group for SocioIntelliGenesis. 
We focus on a synthetic research on elucidation of genesis of social intelligence -- physical interaction between body and environment, social interaction between agents and role of evolution and so on --, with aiming to understand intelligence of humans and robots. For such an approach, we have set interdisciplinal discussions with wide viewpoint for various research field such as cognitive science, developmental psycology, brain science, evolutionary biology and robotics. 

[[Detail information is available from>http://www.sociointelligenesis.org/index-e.html]]

*** How to use? [#a7c10107]

*** 誰が作っているの? [#f8a5332b]
You can download and install the software from https://github.com/SIGVerse/sigverse_unity_project

Please refer [[Tutorial>Tutorial for ver.3]] for concrete usage.

*** How to ask questions [#fe965ee5]

*** 最新ニュース [#w02a6098]
- 2012-12-23 ビルメインテナンスによる停電のため,SIGVerseの各種サービスを停止します.12月25日に復旧予定です.
- 2012-11-24 RoboCup @Home Camp にて,SIGVerseを用いたロボカップ@ホームシミュレーションのプランについて発表を行いました.
- 2012-11-21 RoboCup @Home Simulation に対応した SIGserver v121121とSIGViewer v2.0.3がリリースされました
- 2012-11-03 研究所のメンテナンス作業のため,11月3日の18時から5日の10時まで,SIGVerseサービスを停止します.
- 2012-11-01 新バージョン2.0系がリリースされました!
- 2012-09-01 第18回創発システムシンポジウムにてSIGVerseワークショップを行いました
- 2012-09-18 日本ロボット学会学術講演会にて最新のSIGVerseの取り組みについて講演を行いました
- 2012-08-27 第18回創発システムシンポジウムに参加する方は[[こちらのページをご覧下さい>第18回創発システムシンポジウムワークショップ]]
- 2012-05-03 RoboCup Japan Open にて RoboCup @home シミュレーションリーグに関する取り組みについて発表を行いました
- 2011-12-17 RoboCup @home camp 2011 にて,シミュレーションリーグの可能性について講演を行います
- 2011-12-13 SIGVerse v111213 + SIGViewerv.1.4.4 がリリースされました
- 2011-10-24 日本ロボット学会 ロボット工学セミナーでSIGVerseの発表を行いました
- 2011-09-04 [[創発システムシンポジウム>https://sites.google.com/site/ess17th/home]]にて[[SIGVerseチュートリアル>SIGVerseチュートリアル2011-09]]を行いました
- 2011-06-02 NII OpenHouse でポスター発表を行いました
- 2011-03-27 [[計画停電]]についてのアナウンスを掲載しました
- 2011-01-17 SIGVerse™ チュートリアル講習会を開催しました.
- 2010-12-23 計測自動制御学会 SI2010 で,SIGVerse™の活動内容について発表をしました.
- 2010-12-22 2010 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integrationで,SIGVerse™の論文が Best Paper Award Finalist に選ばれました.
- 2010-12-21 2010 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integrationで,SIGVerse™の活動内容について発表をしました
- 2010-10-04 [[SIGVerse™ チュートリアル>第1回SIGVerseチュートリアル講習会]]を開催しました.
- 2010-06-03・04 NII オープンハウスでSIGVerse™のデモンストレーションを行いました.
- 2010-05-15 日本ロボット学会誌「ロボティック・サイエンス」特集号で,SIGVerse™の解説が掲載されました.
- 2010-05-03 日本経済産業新聞の記事で,SIGVerse™が紹介されました.
- 2010-04-02 科学新聞の記事で,SIGVerse™が紹介されました.
- 2010-03-25 日刊工業新聞の記事で,SIGVerse™が紹介されました.
- 2010-03-24 [[社会的知能発生学研究会]]の[[公開シンポジウム]]でSIGVerse™の発表を行いました.
- 2010-03-24 SIGVerse の[[プレスリリース>PressRelease]]を行いました.
- 2010-03-09 情報処理学会創立50周年記念全国大会「今ドキッのIT」でSIGVerseのデモを行ってきました.
- 2010-03-03 デジタルヒューマンシンポジウム2010でSIGVerse™の発表を行いました.
Please send your request to [[Tetsunari Inamura at National Institute of Informatics>http://www.nii.ac.jp/en/faculty/informatics/inamura_tetsunari/]].

Every one can join and ask question through SIGVerse Users Group ML. [[Please join from here>https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en&fromgroups#!contactowner/sigverse-users]]

- [[過去のニュース]]
We have also Facebook Users Group page. [[If you want, please send request from >http://www.facebook.com/groups/231791426880175/]]

*** 今後の予定 [#l8112fd2]
- 2013-03 Int'l Conf. on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2013) にて,SIGVerseに関連したポスター発表を2件行います
*** Who develops this system? [#wdfd4bbc]
P.I. of this project is Dr.Tetsunari Inamura @ National Institute of Informatics. This project is supported by so many collaborators such as SocioIntelliGenesis group.

If you have a request for collaborative research project, please contact [[Dr. Tetsunari Inamura>http://www.nii.ac.jp/en/faculty/informatics/inamura_tetsunari/]]

*** Publication [#kc70bf4e]
- [[Paper Lists]] related to the SIGVerse

*** News [#j3c771b2]
- 2021 May: [[A journal paper related to the SIGVerse project has been published. We would be grateful if you could cite this paper if you publish papers using the SIGVerse.>https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/frobt.2021.549360/full]]
- 2021 Jan: SIGVerse will be displayed at CES 2021 (https://www.ces.tech/international.aspx)
- 2020 Oct: [[RoboCup@Home Simulation>https://sites.google.com/view/robocup-athome-sim/home]] was held at RoboCup JapanOpen.
- 2019 Nov 8th: [[Tutorial on SIGVerse was held at IROS 2019>Tutorial at IROS2019]].
- 2019 Sept : Demonstration at Waseda Univ.
- 2019 August : RoboCup@Home Simulation will be held in Niigata, Japan (RoboCup Japan Open)
- 2018 Oct : Simulation competition on service robot in World Robot Summit will be held as primary.

-- [[Past News]]

*** Future Plan [#a5cf30f5]

- 2020 Oct: RoboCup@Home Simulation will be held as an official compeition in RoboCup Asia Pacific in Japan. (It might be postponed due to COVID-19. Please check the [[official site>https://robocupap2020.org/eng/registration.html]]) 



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