Ros tutorial on SIGverse
How to Use ROS with SIGverse
User has to create A SIGverse node using the following code:
In this tutorial two topics are used 
Message Topic to send messages from SIGverse Node to Command Node and Velocity format Topic to send the value of velocity to the SIGverse node.
-How to Use ROS with SIGverse
-User has to create A SIGverse node using the following code:
--In this tutorial two topics are used 
--Message Topic to send messages from SIGverse Node to Command Node and Velocity --format Topic to send the value of velocity to the SIGverse node.




 Let’s study this example step by step 
Now let’s create the callback function which preforms the command on the velocity of the robot’s wheels:
void SendController::poseCallback(const Sigvers_Ros::VelocityConstPtr& vel)
    Wheel_one =  vel->linear;
    Wheel_two =  vel->angular;
// read from the Velocity Topic
   printf("Velocity 1!!!  %f\n", Wheel_one);
   printf("Velocity 2!!!  %f\n", Wheel_two);
//Printing the Velocity value applied on the robot

*The Topic [#ed1b8323]

-Let’s study this example step by step 
Now let’s create the callback function which preforms the command on the velocity of the robot’s wheels:

void SendController::onInit(InitEvent &evt)
 Wheel_one = 0.0;
 Wheel_two = 0.0;
int argc =0;
char** argv = NULL;
my = this->getRobotObj(this->myname());
my->setWheel(10.0, 10.0);

**Message Sender [#ed1b8136]

   void SendController::poseCallback(const Sigvers_Ros::VelocityConstPtr& vel)
   {     Wheel_one =  vel->linear;
         Wheel_two =  vel->angular;
         printf("Velocity 1!!!  %f\n", Wheel_one);
         printf("Velocity 2!!!  %f\n", Wheel_two);

- read from the Velocity Topic
- Printing the Velocity value applied on the robot

ros::init(argc, argv, "Sigvers_controller_node");
ros::NodeHandle n;
velocity = 1;

**Node Initialization [#ed1b8137]

  void SendController::onInit(InitEvent &evt)
   { Wheel_one = 0.0;
    Wheel_two = 0.0;
    int argc =0;
    char** argv = NULL;
    my = this->getRobotObj(this->myname());
    my->setWheel(10.0, 10.0);
    ros::init(argc, argv, "Sigvers_controller_node");
    ros::NodeHandle n;
    velocity = 1;
    chatter_pub = n.advertise<std_msgs::String>("CommandMess", 1);
    pose_sub = n.subscribe<Sigvers_Ros::Velocity>("mycommand_velocity",    1,&SendController::poseCallback,this);
    ros::Rate loop_rate(10);

chatter_pub = n.advertise<std_msgs::String>("CommandMess", 1);

**Robot Controller [#ed1b8138]

pose_sub = n.subscribe<Sigvers_Ros::Velocity>("mycommand_velocity", 1,&SendController::poseCallback,this);
 double SendController::onAction(ActionEvent &evt)
  return 1.0;

- Now let’s create a Node to control the robot’s velocity:

ros::Rate loop_rate(10);
**Command Node initialization ROS Side [#ed1b8139]

    nh_.param("scale_angular", a_scale_, a_scale_);
    nh_.param("scale_linear", l_scale_, l_scale_);
    vel_pub_ = nh_.advertise<Sigvers_Ros::Velocity>("mycommand_velocity", 1);
    mess_sub =    nh_.subscribe("CommandMess",100,&CommandSig::chatterCallback,this);
- Initialization of the command Node's Parameters 

- The Node will send velocity information using mycommand_velocity Topic

- The Node will receive information using CommandMess Topic

double SendController::
onAction(ActionEvent &evt)
- And finally let’s write the main function which launches the command  node

**Main to execute the Node [#v1bef770]

 int main(int argc, char** argv)
   ros::init(argc, argv, "Sigvers_Command_node");
   CommandSig Command_sig;
   ros::Rate loop_rate(10);

- this command creates and does initialization on the Sigvers_Command_node

**Message Sender [#ed1b8140]

-Now let’s create the callback function which receveces message from Sigverse - Node and  sends the right command to the robot:

** Robot Motion Command ROS Side [#ed1b8141]

   void CommandSig::chatterCallback (const std_msgs::String::ConstPtr& msg)
    Sigvers_Ros::Velocity vel;
    vel.angular = 3.0;
    vel.linear = 3.0;
    else if(strcmp("back",msg->data.c_str())==0)
    vel.angular = -3.0;
    vel.linear = -3.0;
    else if(strcmp("left" ,msg->data.c_str())==0)
   vel.angular = 0.78;
   vel.linear = -0.78;
   vel.angular = 0.0;
   vel.linear = 0.0;
   else if(strcmp("right" ,msg->data.c_str())==0)
   vel.angular = -0.78;
   vel.linear = 0.78;
   vel.angular = 0.0;
   vel.linear =  0.0;
   else if(strcmp("stop",msg->data.c_str())==0)
   vel.angular = 0.0;
   vel.linear = 0.0;

  return 1.0;

- Create a new ROS Package :
- We need to create a new Ros Package to perform the ROS SIGverse integration

Now let’s create a Node to control the robot’s velocity:
   nh_.param("scale_angular", a_scale_, a_scale_);
   nh_.param("scale_linear", l_scale_, l_scale_);
 // this part will give parameters will be given to the node
- Let’s create a new directory  named catkin_ws and let’s perform those few tasks

- Create a new folder named src.

- Now let’s initialize our workspace by using the following command:

**Catkin command [#ed1b8136]
  $catkin_init_workspace in the ~/catkin_ws folder  

   vel_pub_ = nh_.advertise<Sigvers_Ros::Velocity>("mycommand_velocity", 1);
  // The Node will send velocity information using mycommand_velocity Topic 

- Now we have our workspace let’s create our SIGverse ROS Package 

-Firstable we need to make a new folder named SIGverse  then  edit the Cmake  file and  Sig_app.cpp in a new src folder which PATH is: 

   mess_sub = nh_.subscribe("CommandMess",100,&CommandSig::chatterCallback,this);
   // The Node will receive information using CommandMess Topic 

And finally let’s write the main function which launches the command  node
int main(int argc, char** argv)
   ros::init(argc, argv, "Sigvers_Command_node");
   // this command creates and does initialization on the Sigvers_Command_node Node 
   CommandSig Command_sig;
   ros::Rate loop_rate(10);

Now let’s create the callback function which receveces message from Sigverse Node and  sends the right command to the robot:
void CommandSig::chatterCallback (const std_msgs::String::ConstPtr& msg)
 Sigvers_Ros::Velocity vel;

vel.angular = 3.0;
vel.linear = 3.0;

    else if(strcmp("back",msg->data.c_str())==0)
vel.angular = -3.0;
vel.linear = -3.0;


      else if(strcmp("left" ,msg->data.c_str())==0)
vel.angular = 0.78;
vel.linear = -0.78;
vel.angular = 0.0;
vel.linear = 0.0;
                else if(strcmp("right" ,msg->data.c_str())==0)
vel.angular = -0.78;
vel.linear = 0.78;
vel.angular = 0.0;
vel.linear =  0.0;
                     else if(strcmp("stop",msg->data.c_str())==0)
vel.angular = 0.0;
vel.linear = 0.0;


Create a new ROS Package :
We need to create a new Ros Package to perform the ROS SIGverse integration

Let’s create a new directory  named catkin_ws and let’s perform those few tasks

Create a new folder named src.

Now let’s initialize our workspace by using the following command:
catkin_init_workspace in the ~/catkin_ws folder  

Now we have our workspace let’s create our SIGverse ROS Package 

Firstable we have to make a new folder named SIGverse and then  edit the Cmake  file and  Sig_app.cpp in a new src folder which PATH is ~/catkin_ws/src/Sigvers_Ros/src.

Now  make  Cmake file in order to create the wanted package.
-Now  make  Cmake file in order to create the wanted package.
Catkin_make will generate a /devel folder with contains /devel/lib folder and in there the Cmake file generated a libSig_app.so file which will be used by the xml world file to control the robot simulation.
Now let’s souce our package by using the following command:

   $source ~/catkin_ws2/devel/setup.sh 

source ~/catkin_ws2/devel/setup.sh 

-Now we can check our package by executing this command 
--Roscd Sigvers_Ros so we get the following result:

Now we can check our package by executing this command 
Roscd Sigvers_Ros so we get the following result:


This shows that the Sigvers_Ros packages exists

Cmake parameters:
For Sig.cpp:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.3)
find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS roscpp rospy std_msgs message_generation )
 cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.3)
  find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS roscpp rospy std_msgs message_generation )

## Generate messages in the 'msg' folder
 ## Generate messages in the 'msg' folder

## Generate added messages and services with any dependencies listed here
  ## Generate added messages and services with any dependencies listed here

  ADD_LIBRARY(Sig_app src/Sig_app.cpp)
  target_link_libraries(Sig_app ${catkin_LIBRARIES})
  add_dependencies(Sig_app Sigvers_Ros_gencpp)

- We use the target_link_libraries which generates the .so file 
  include_directories(include ${catkin_INCLUDE_DIRS})

ADD_LIBRARY(Sig_app src/Sig_app.cpp)
target_link_libraries(Sig_app ${catkin_LIBRARIES})
add_dependencies(Sig_app Sigvers_Ros_gencpp)

We use the target_link_libraries which generates the .so file 
include_directories(include ${catkin_INCLUDE_DIRS})
include_directories(/home/ericgt/sigverse-2.2.0/include/sigverse /home/ericgt/sigverse-2.2.0/include/sigverse/comm/controller)

We include SiGverse .h files to compile our controller’s source code
- We include SiGverse .h files to compile our controller’s source code
Catkin Command:
catkin_make we compile our code using Cmake parameters so we generate .so  file used by the xml world file to control the robot simulation.
-- catkin_make we compile our code using Cmake parameters so we generate .so  file used by the xml world file to control the robot simulation.

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