
*Environment [#s2c201d0]

** Windows environment setting[#n8ec4g8c]
***Unity installation[#t38cb130]

+Select [[Unity 5.6.2>https://unity3d.com/jp/get-unity/download/archive]] installer for windows from Unity download web page and proceed to the download 
then Run the installer and go through  the installation according to the procedure.
+Next, start Unity, create a Unity account, and sign in.

--Click "Create account" on the sign-in login
--Register your account  (browser registration) then use the registered account and  "Sign In"

***Download Unity project of SIGVerse_v3[#j826be89]

+Please download the [["zip" project>https://github.com/SIGVerse/unity_project]]
+Clone or download」→「Download ZIP」 and extract it in the repository of your choice.

You can clone the repository anywhere in the Windows environment if you are using Git

***How to open the Unity project[#ad0g2bef]

+Start Unity and click "OPEN".~
+The folder selection UI will appear select the downloaded project in the previous section
("unity_project" ? "SIGVerseProject") and then  click on  "Select folder" button.~

** Setting up the Ubuntu environment[#teef1681]

The following installation requires Ubuntu 14.04.~
SIGVerse_v3 is  fully connective to ROS.~
In order to connect to the ROS components  we need  to perform some installations.~

***Installation of ROS indigo [#a9afde20]

Follow the following instructions to install [[ROS>http://wiki.ros.org/indigo/Installation/Ubuntu]].

***Installing ROSBridge_suite [#a9a8df30]

ROSBridge_suite will allow a part of SIGVser to be connected to ROS.~
Start the terminal and execute the following command.~

 $ Sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-rosbridge-server

***Installing CMake [#j82hbe39]

CMake ver.3.2 or higher is is required to compile our project please proceed as follow for the installation.~
Start the terminal and execute the following commands.~

 $ Cd ~ / Downloads 
 $ Wget https://cmake.org/files/v3.7/cmake-3.7.2.tar.gz
 $ Tar zxvf cmake-3.7.2.tar.gz
 $ Cd cmake-3.7.2
 $ ./bootstrap --prefix=/usr
 $ Make
 $ Sudo make install

***Mongo C driver installation [#j826ge59]

Mongo C driver is required to compile our project please proceed as follow for the installation.~
Start the terminal and execute the following commands.~

 $ Cd ..
 $ Wget https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-c-driver/releases/download/1.4.2/mongo-c-driver-1.4.2.tar.gz
 $ Tar zxvf mongo-c-driver-1.4.2.tar.gz
 $ Cd mongo-c-driver-1.4.2
 $ ./configure
 $ Make
 $ Sudo make install

***Mongo C ++ driver installation [#ad0g2bfe]

Mongo C ++ driver is required to compile our project please proceed as follow for the installation.~
Start the terminal and execute the following commands. ~

 $ Cd ..
 $ Wget https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-cxx-driver/archive/r3.0.3.tar.gz
 $ Tar zxvf r3.0.3.tar.gz
 $ Cd mongo-cxx-driver-r 3.0.3 / build
 $ Cmake - DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE = Release - DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX = / usr / local - DLIBMONGOC_DIR = / usr / local - DLIBBSON_DIR = / usr / local ..
 $ Sudo make EP_mnmlstc_core
 $ Make
 $ Sudo make install

***Setting of sigverse_ros_bridge[#tenf1570]

Open a terminal and execute the following commands.~
We assume that a catkin workspace has been created according to the ROS tutorial procedure.~

 $ Cd ~ / catkin_ws / src
 $ Git clone https://github.com/SIGVerse/ros_package.git
 $ Git clone https://github.com/SIGVerse/sigverse_ros_package.git
 $ Cd ..
 $ Catkin_make

*Examples [#s2c406d0]
** TurtleBot [#n8ec4h8c]
*** Startup procedure on Ubuntu[#nfec4d8c]
Open a new terminal and execute the following command.~
 $ roslaunch turtlebot_bringup minimal.launch --screen

Open an other terminal and execute this command.~
 $ export TURTLEBOT_3D_SENSOR=asus_xtion_pro_sigvers
 $ roslaunch turtlebot_follower follower.launch

Open a new terminal and execute the following command.~
 $ roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket.launch

Open a new terminal and execute the following command.~
 $ source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
 $ rosrun sigverse_ros_bridge sigverse_ros_bridge

Next, check the IP address on Ubuntu . The IP address can be confirmed with the following command.~
 $ ifconfig

*** Startup procedure on Windows[#nfec4f8g]

+Open the SIGVerse_v3 project on Unity.
+Click [SIGVerse] - [SIGVerse Settings] go on the Unity menu and open the SIGVerse setting screen.~
+Change [Rosbridge IP] of [Config file Settings] to the IP address of ROS.~ 
(also change [Rosbridge Port] and [SIGVeres Bridge Port] as necessary.)
+Double-click [Assets / SIGVerse / SampleScenes / TurtlebotFollower / TurtlebotFollower (.unity)] on the Project tab to open the scene.~
+Click on the play button at the top center of  Unity screen to play the scene.~
+Click [Start] on the SIGVerse menu to start the scene.~

*** Execution[#nfgc4dg]

If you operate the four-way controller with focus on Unity screen, the avatar moves and the turtlebot follows the avatar.~

-If you want to check the camera  of TurtleBot on ROS , you can use the following command.

 $ rosrun image_view image_view image:=/camera/rgb/image_raw

-You can also check it with rviz.

 $ roslaunch turtlebot_rviz_launchers view_robot.launch

** TurtleBot keyboard teleop [#ngechh8c]

*** Startup procedure on Ubuntu[#nffc4dhc]

Open a new terminal and execute the following command.~
 $ roslaunch turtlebot_teleop keyboard_teleop.launch 

Open an other terminal and execute this command.~
 $ roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket.launch

Next, check the IP address on Ubuntu . The IP address can be confirmed with the following command.~
 $ ifconfig

*** Startup procedure on Windows[#nfec4f8g]

+Open the SIGVerse_v3 project on Unity.
+Click [SIGVerse] - [SIGVerse Settings] go on the Unity menu and open the SIGVerse setting screen.~
+Change [Rosbridge IP] of [Config file Settings] to the IP address of ROS.~ 
(also change [Rosbridge Port] and [SIGVeres Bridge Port] as necessary.)
+Double-click [Assets / SIGVerse / SampleScenes / TurtlebotTeleop (.unity)] on the Project tab to open the scene.~
+Click on the play button at the top center of  Unity screen to play the scene.~
+Click [Start] on the SIGVerse menu to start the scene.~

*** Execution[#nfgjkdg]

If you perform key operation on the terminal of the keyboard_teleop.launch on Ubuntu, the turtlebot will move.~

** Execution of sample scenes walk with the avatar viewpoint [#n3efbh8c]

+Open the SIGVerse_v3 project on Unity. 
+Double-click [Assets / SIGVerse /  SampleScenes / SampleHouse / SampleHouse (.unity)] on the Project tab to open the scene.~
+Click on the play button at the top center of  Unity screen to play the scene.~
+Click [Start] on the SIGVerse menu to start the scene.~

*** Execution[#nfgjndm]

When you operate the four-way controller on the screen, the avatarr moves at the character viewpoint.~

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