

Windows environment setting

Unity installation

  1. Select Unity 5.6.2 installer for windows from Unity download web page and proceed to the download then Run the installer and go through the installation according to the procedure.
  2. Next, start Unity, create a Unity account, and sign in.

Download Unity project of SIGVerse_v3

  1. Please download the "zip" project
  2. Clone or download」→「Download ZIP」 and extract it in the repository of your choice.

You can clone the repository anywhere in the Windows environment if you are using Git

How to open the Unity project

  1. Start Unity and click "OPEN".
  2. The folder selection UI will appear select the downloaded project in the previous section ("unity_project" ? "SIGVerseProject") and then click on "Select folder" button.

Setting up the Ubuntu environment

The following installation requires Ubuntu 14.04.
SIGVerse_v3 is fully connective to ROS.
In order to connect to the ROS components we need to perform some installations.

Installation of ROS indigo

Follow the following instructions to install ROS.

Installing ROSBridge_suite

ROSBridge_suite will allow a part of SIGVser to be connected to ROS.
Start the terminal and execute the following command.

$ Sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-rosbridge-server

Installing CMake

CMake ver.3.2 or higher is is required to compile our project please proceed as follow for the installation.
Start the terminal and execute the following commands.

$ Cd ~ / Downloads 
$ Wget https://cmake.org/files/v3.7/cmake-3.7.2.tar.gz
$ Tar zxvf cmake-3.7.2.tar.gz
$ Cd cmake-3.7.2
$ ./bootstrap --prefix=/usr
$ Make
$ Sudo make install

Mongo C driver installation

Mongo C driver is required to compile our project please proceed as follow for the installation.
Start the terminal and execute the following commands.

$ Cd ..
$ Wget https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-c-driver/releases/download/1.4.2/mongo-c-driver-1.4.2.tar.gz
$ Tar zxvf mongo-c-driver-1.4.2.tar.gz
$ Cd mongo-c-driver-1.4.2
$ ./configure
$ Make
$ Sudo make install

Mongo C ++ driver installation

Mongo C ++ driver is required to compile our project please proceed as follow for the installation.
Start the terminal and execute the following commands.

$ Cd ..
$ Wget https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-cxx-driver/archive/r3.0.3.tar.gz
$ Tar zxvf r3.0.3.tar.gz
$ Cd mongo-cxx-driver-r 3.0.3 / build
$ Cmake - DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE = Release - DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX = / usr / local - DLIBMONGOC_DIR = / usr / local - DLIBBSON_DIR = / usr / local ..
$ Sudo make EP_mnmlstc_core
$ Make
$ Sudo make install

Setting of sigverse_ros_bridge

Open a terminal and execute the following commands.
We assume that a catkin workspace has been created according to the ROS tutorial procedure.

$ Cd ~ / catkin_ws / src
$ Git clone https://github.com/SIGVerse/ros_package.git
$ Cd ..
$ Catkin_make



Startup procedure on Ubuntu

Open a new terminal and execute the following command.

$ roslaunch turtlebot_bringup minimal.launch --screen

Open an other terminal and execute this command.

$ export TURTLEBOT_3D_SENSOR=asus_xtion_pro_sigvers
$ roslaunch turtlebot_follower follower.launch

Open a new terminal and execute the following command.

$ roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket.launch

Open a new terminal and execute the following command.

$ source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
$ rosrun sigverse_ros_bridge sigverse_ros_bridge

Next, check the IP address on Ubuntu . The IP address can be confirmed with the following command.

$ ifconfig

Startup procedure on Windows

  1. Open the SIGVerse_v3 project on Unity.
  2. Click [SIGVerse] - [SIGVerse Settings] go on the Unity menu and open the SIGVerse setting screen.
  3. Change [Rosbridge IP] of [Config file Settings] to the IP address of ROS.~ (also change [Rosbridge Port] and [SIGVeres Bridge Port] as necessary.)
  4. Double-click [Assets / SIGVerse / SampleScenes / TurtlebotFollower / TurtlebotFollower (.unity)] on the Project tab to open the scene.
  5. Click on the play button at the top center of Unity screen to play the scene.
  6. Click [Start] on the SIGVerse menu to start the scene.


If you operate the four-way controller with focus on Unity screen, the avatar moves and the turtlebot follows the avatar.

$ rosrun image_view image_view image:=/camera/rgb/image_raw
$ roslaunch turtlebot_rviz_launchers view_robot.launch

TurtleBot keyboard teleop

Startup procedure on Ubuntu

Open a new terminal and execute the following command.

$ roslaunch turtlebot_teleop keyboard_teleop.launch 

Open an other terminal and execute this command.

$ roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket.launch

Next, check the IP address on Ubuntu . The IP address can be confirmed with the following command.

$ ifconfig

Startup procedure on Windows

  1. Open the SIGVerse_v3 project on Unity.
  2. Click [SIGVerse] - [SIGVerse Settings] go on the Unity menu and open the SIGVerse setting screen.
  3. Change [Rosbridge IP] of [Config file Settings] to the IP address of ROS.~ (also change [Rosbridge Port] and [SIGVeres Bridge Port] as necessary.)
  4. Double-click [Assets / SIGVerse / SampleScenes / TurtlebotTeleop (.unity)] on the Project tab to open the scene.
  5. Click on the play button at the top center of Unity screen to play the scene.
  6. Click [Start] on the SIGVerse menu to start the scene.


If you perform key operation on the terminal of the keyboard_teleop.launch on Ubuntu, the turtlebot will move.

Execution of sample scenes walk with the avatar viewpoint

  1. Open the SIGVerse_v3 project on Unity.
  2. Double-click [Assets / SIGVerse / SampleScenes / SampleHouse / SampleHouse (.unity)] on the Project tab to open the scene.
  3. Click on the play button at the top center of Unity screen to play the scene.
  4. Click [Start] on the SIGVerse menu to start the scene.


When you operate the four-way controller on the screen, the avatarr moves at the character viewpoint.

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