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*距離センサ [#r0d5dd55]
*Distance sensor [#m5e8543a]

This tutorial is valid for version later than v2.1.0.

Distance sensor uses camera (depth image).
This page explains how to get distance information from SIGViewer service.

There are three types of distance information:
1) distance from the camera and a target object (scalar)
2) distance array measured along a horizontal plane (vector)
3) depth map (2D matrix)

** 1) scalar distance [#r77819d7]

This sample uses a function distanceSensor() to get a distance between the camera and a target object which is gazed by the camera.

*** Controller [#h7f70978]

**視線方向の距離センサ [#r07b5fe9]
***コントローラ作成 [#j5a63794]
 $ cd sigverse-<version>/bin/NewWorld
Move to the working directory and edit a controller.
 $ cd ~/MyWorld
 $ emacs distanceSensor.cpp


#include <Controller.h>    
#include <ControllerEvent.h>    
#include <Logger.h>    
#include <ViewImage.h>    
#include <math.h>    
#include <stdio.h>    
#include <stdlib.h>    
#define PI 3.141592    
#define DEG2RAD(DEG) ( (PI) * (DEG) / 180.0 )    
class RobotController : public Controller    
  void onInit(InitEvent &evt);    
  double onAction(ActionEvent &evt);    
  double vel;    
  double vel;      //velocity of a robot
  ViewService *m_view;  
void RobotController::onInit(InitEvent &evt)    
  m_view = (ViewService*)connectToService("SIGViewer", 9005);  
  m_view = (ViewService*)connectToService("SIGViewer");  
  vel      = 1.0;    
//Callback function which is called at fixed intervals.
double RobotController::onAction(ActionEvent &evt)    
  SimObj *my = getObj(myname());    
  // Get current self-position
  Vector3d pos;
  double qy = my->qy();    
  double qw = my->qw();    
  // Get current self-orientation    
  Rotation rot;
  double qy = rot.qy();    
  double qw = rot.qw();    
  double tmp = qy*qw;
  if(tmp < 0) qy = -qy;
  // Calculate angle from quaternion 
  double theta = 2*asin(qy);    

  double dx = 0;    
  double dz = 0;    
  // Calculate moving direction
  dx = sin(theta) * vel;    
  dz = cos(theta) * vel;    
  my->setPosition( pos.x() + dx, pos.y() , pos.z() + dz );    
  // Execution of move
  my->setPosition( pos.x() + dx, pos.y() , pos.z() + dz ); 
  unsigned char distance = 255;  
  if(m_view != NULL) {  
    // Measure the distance
    distance = m_view->distanceSensor();    
    LOG_MSG(("distance = %d",distance));    
  if(distance < 80){    
      my->setAxisAndAngle(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, (double)rand()/RAND_MAX * 2*PI, true);    
  // Change direction if the distance is shorter than 100.    
  if(distance < 100){    
    my->setAxisAndAngle(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, (double)rand()/RAND_MAX * 2*PI, true);    
  return 0.1;    
extern "C" Controller * createController ()    
  return new RobotController;    

The distanceSensor() in the 62nd line gets the distance.
      distance = m_view->distanceSensor();
戻り値はunsigned char型です。つまり取得できる距離データは0~255までの整数です。デフォルトでは255cmまでの距離を取得することができ、255よりも遠くにオブジェクトがある場合はすべて255が返ってきます。
The type of the return value is unsigned char, that indicates from 0 to 255. Maximum distance is 255cm. If a true distance is longer than 255cm, the return value will be 255.
The maximum distance can be changed by argument of distanceSensor() as shown below:



      distance = m_view->distanceSensor();
     distance = m_view->distanceSensor(50.0, 500.0, 2);
The first and second argument indicate range of the distance sensor. The first argument is offset value. The second argument is range of measurable area.
In the above example case, the distance sensor can measure from 50cm to 550cm.
The range of the return value is still from 0 to 255. If the distance is shorter than 50cm, the return value will be 0; if the distance is longer than 550cm, the return value will be 255.
Resolution of the distance sensor will be rough, if you choose wide range.

The last argument is ID number of camera. If you omit this argument, the distance sensor will be corresponded to the camera which ID is No.1.

In this controller, a robot keeps on going forward; if the distance is shorter than 100cm, the direction will be changed randomly.

Compile the source code of the controller.

 $ ./sigmake.sh distanceSensor.cpp

***世界ファイル [#md4f157f]
*** World File [#w89a6566]
Next, edit a world file

 $ cd ..
 $ emacs xml/distanceSensor.xml
 $ emacs distanceSensor.xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
<world name="myworld5">

  <gravity x="0.0" y="-980.7" z="0.0"/>
  <instanciate class="WheelRobot-nii-v1.xml">

    <!-- Set the name of a robot agent -->
    <set-attr-value name="name" value="robot_000"/>

    <set-attr-value name="language" value="c++"/>

    <set-attr-value name="implementation"
    <!-- Setting of controller -->
    <set-attr-value name="implementation" value="./distanceSensor.so"/>

    <!-- Put the flag of dynamics to false -->
    <set-attr-value name="dynamics" value="false"/>
    <!-- Set the initial position of agent(x,y,z) -->
    <set-attr-value name="x" value="0.0"/>
    <set-attr-value name="y" value="30.0"/>
    <set-attr-value name="z" value="-40.0"/>
    <set-attr-value name="qw" value="0.0"/>
    <set-attr-value name="qy" value="1.0"/>
    <!--カメラのID番号,リンク名、方向、位置, 視野角(y方向)の設定, 縦横比-->
    <!--Setting of camera parameters-->
    <camera id="1"
            direction="0 0 1"
            position="0.0 0.0 5.0"

  <!--Living Room-->
  <instanciate class="seTV.xml">
    <set-attr-value name="name" value="TV_0"/>
    <set-attr-value name="dynamics" value="false"/>
    <set-attr-value name="x" value="-20.0"/>
    <set-attr-value name="y" value="62.0"/>
    <set-attr-value name="y" value="87.3"/>
    <set-attr-value name="z" value="-250.0"/>
    <set-attr-value name="visStateAttrName" value="switch"/>
    <set-attr-value name="switch" value="on"/>

  <instanciate class="seBookShelf_A.xml">
    <set-attr-value name="name" value="BookShelf_0"/>
    <set-attr-value name="dynamics" value="false"/>
    <set-attr-value name="x" value="-200.0"/>
    <set-attr-value name="y" value="80.0"/>
    <set-attr-value name="y" value="75.0"/>
    <set-attr-value name="z" value="-100.0"/>
    <set-attr-value name="qw" value="0.707"/>
    <set-attr-value name="qx" value="0.0"/>
    <set-attr-value name="qy" value="0.707"/>
    <set-attr-value name="qz" value="0.0"/>

  <instanciate class="seBookShelf_B.xml">
    <set-attr-value name="name" value="BookShelf_1"/>
    <set-attr-value name="dynamics" value="false"/>
    <set-attr-value name="x" value="-0.0"/>
    <set-attr-value name="y" value="32.0"/>
    <set-attr-value name="y" value="59.5"/>
    <set-attr-value name="z" value="100.0"/>
    <set-attr-value name="qw" value="0.0"/>
    <set-attr-value name="qy" value="1.0"/>

  <instanciate class="seTVbass_B.xml">
    <set-attr-value name="name" value="TVdai_0"/>
    <set-attr-value name="dynamics" value="false"/>
    <set-attr-value name="x" value="-20.0"/>
    <set-attr-value name="y" value="8.0"/>
    <set-attr-value name="y" value="25.1"/>
    <set-attr-value name="z" value="-250.0"/>

  <instanciate class="seTana_c02.xml">
    <set-attr-value name="name" value="tana_0"/>
    <set-attr-value name="dynamics" value="false"/>
    <set-attr-value name="x" value="150.0"/>
    <set-attr-value name="y" value="72.0"/>
    <set-attr-value name="y" value="81.5"/>
    <set-attr-value name="z" value="-100.0"/>
    <set-attr-value name="qw" value="0.707"/>
    <set-attr-value name="qy" value="-0.707"/>

This time, a wheeled mobile robot is used.

***実行 [#l3f6882d]
 $ ./sigserver.sh -p 9001 -w xml/distanceSensor.xml
*** Execution [#mf620fe8]

Execute with the following command

 $ sigserver.sh -w ./distanceSensor.xml


The robot will go forward; change the direction in front of obstacles.

**1次元距離センサ [#cb2b5721]
***コントローラ修正 [#s7488bb0]

 $ cd NewWorld
 $ emacs -nw distanceSensor.cpp


    distance = m_view->distanceSensor();    
    LOG_MSG(("distance = %d",distance));
    ViewImage *img = m_view->distanceSensor1D();
    char *buf = img->getBuffer();
** Measurement of distance vector [#l8f8546a]

    int length = img->getBufferLength();
Next, an example that measure distance vector along a horizontal plane.

    for(int i = 0; i < length; i++){
      unsigned char tmp_distance = (unsigned char)buf[i];
      if(tmp_distance < distance){
        distance = buf[i];
    LOG_MSG(("distance = %d",distance));
    delete img;
*** Modification of Controller [#nf3fb7da]

Edit another new controller

 $ emacs distanceSensor1D.cpp


#include <Controller.h>    
#include <ControllerEvent.h>    
#include <Logger.h>    
#include <ViewImage.h>    
#include <math.h>    
#include <stdio.h>    
#include <stdlib.h>    
#define PI 3.141592    
#define DEG2RAD(DEG) ( (PI) * (DEG) / 180.0 )    
class RobotController : public Controller    
  void onInit(InitEvent &evt);    
  double onAction(ActionEvent &evt);    
  //velocity of a robot
  double vel;    
  ViewService *m_view;  
void RobotController::onInit(InitEvent &evt)    
  m_view = (ViewService*)connectToService("SIGViewer");  
  vel      = 1.0;    
//Callback function which is called at fixed intervals.
double RobotController::onAction(ActionEvent &evt)    
  SimObj *my = getObj(myname());    
  // Get current self-position
  Vector3d pos;
  // Get current self-orientation 
  Rotation rot;
  double qy = rot.qy();    
  double qw = rot.qw();

  double tmp = qy*qw;
  if(tmp < 0) qy = -qy;
  // Calculate angle from quaternion     
  double theta = 2*asin(qy);    

  double dx = 0;    
  double dz = 0;    
  // Calculate moving direction 
  dx = sin(theta) * vel;    
  dz = cos(theta) * vel;    
  // Execution of move 
  my->setPosition( pos.x() + dx, pos.y() , pos.z() + dz );    
  // Calculate vertical angle view (radian) of a camera.
  double fovy = my->getCamFOV() * PI / 180.0;

  // Get aspect ratio
  double ar = my->getCamAS();
  // Calculate horizontal angle view (degree) of a camera.
  double fovx = 2 * atan(tan(fovy*0.5)*ar) * 180.0 / PI;

  unsigned char distance = 255;  
  if(m_view != NULL) {  

    // Get distance vector along a horizontal plane
    ViewImage *img = m_view->distanceSensor1D();  
    char *buf = img->getBuffer();  
    // Get length of the data array
    int length = img->getBufferLength();  

    double theta = 0.0;
    // Calculate minimum distance value in the array
    for(int i = 0; i < length; i++){  
      unsigned char tmp_distance = (unsigned char)buf[i];  
      if(tmp_distance < distance){  
	// Calculate view angle from index of an array
	theta = fovx*i/319.0 - fovx/2.0;
	distance = buf[i];  
    LOG_MSG(("theta = %.1f, distance = %d",theta, distance));  
    delete img;  
  // Change direction if the distance is shorter than 100
  if(distance < 100){    
    my->setAxisAndAngle(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, (double)rand()/RAND_MAX * 2*PI, true);    
  return 0.1;    
extern "C" Controller * createController ()    
  return new RobotController;    

In this example, the robot changes direction when the shortest distance in the distance vector is shorter than 100cm.

 $ make
distanceSensor1D() gets the distance vector along a horizontal plane which position is identical to a target camera.
Class of the return value is ViewImage.

The range of the measurable angle is identical to the horizontal angle of camera view.
The size of the vector is 320 in initial setting; each array element is corresponded to each pixel.
getBuffer() should be used to get each distance value from the array. array[0] corresponds to the leftmost pixel; array[319] corresponds to the rightmost pixel.

***実行 [#o60b67bd]
 $ cd ../
 $ ./sigserver.sh -p 9001 -w xml/distanceSensor.xml
*** Seeting of view angle [#le004fb7]

You can change the horizontal view angle with vertical view angle and aspect ratio in a world file.

**2次元距離センサ [#z93a6d1d]
***コントローラ [#n495b830]
Due to the resolution quality, the recommended horizontal angle is from 30(deg) to 80(deg).

    ViewImage *img = m_view->distanceSensor1D();
*** Compile [#j3ddf3a3]

Enter the following command to compile.

 $ ./sigmake.sh distanceSensor1D.cpp

*** Edit of the world file [#qa3ffb5d]

Change the controller to distanceSensor1D.so

 $ emacs distanceSensor.xml

    <!--assignment of controller-->
    <set-attr-value name="implementation"
    ViewImage *img = m_view->distanceSensor2D();
    <!--assignment of controller-->
    <set-attr-value name="implementation"

*** Execution [#m3c8b021]

Enter the following command to execute.

 $ sigserver.sh  -w ./distanceSensor.xml

In this example, quality of the avoidance behavior becomes better.
The robot cannot escape from the four obstacles.

** Measurement of 2D matrix distance [#c26b360c]

This section explains how to get the 2D matrix distance.

*** Edit of controller [#v5b64855]

Edit another new controller.

 $ emacs distanceSensor2D.cpp


#include <Controller.h>    
#include <ControllerEvent.h>    
#include <Logger.h>    
#include <ViewImage.h>    
#include <math.h>    
#include <stdio.h>    
#include <stdlib.h>    
#define PI 3.141592    
#define DEG2RAD(DEG) ( (PI) * (DEG) / 180.0 )    
class RobotController : public Controller    
  void onInit(InitEvent &evt);    
  double onAction(ActionEvent &evt);    
  // velocity of a robot
  double vel;    
  ViewService *m_view;  
void RobotController::onInit(InitEvent &evt)    
  m_view = (ViewService*)connectToService("SIGViewer");  
  vel      = 2.0;    
//Callback function which is called at fixed intervals.
double RobotController::onAction(ActionEvent &evt)    
  SimObj *my = getObj(myname());    
  // Get current self-position
  Vector3d pos;
  // Get current self-orientation
  Rotation rot;
  double qy = rot.qy();    
  double qw = rot.qw();
  double tmp = qy*qw;
  if(tmp < 0) qy = -qy;
  // Calculate angle from quaternion
  double theta = 2*asin(qy);    

  double dx = 0;    
  double dz = 0;    
  // Calculate moving direction
  dx = sin(theta) * vel;    
  dz = cos(theta) * vel;    
  // Execution of move
  my->setPosition( pos.x() + dx, pos.y() , pos.z() + dz );    
  // Get vertical view angle of the camera (rad)
  double fovy = my->getCamFOV() * PI / 180.0;

  // Calculate aspect ratio
  double ar = my->getCamAS();
  // Calculate horizontal view angle phi(deg)
  double fovx = 2 * atan(tan(fovy*0.5)*ar) * 180.0 / PI;

  // Calculate vertical view angle phi(deg)
  fovy = fovy * 180.0 / PI;

  unsigned char distance = 255;  
  if(m_view != NULL) {  

    // Gets the distance matrix
    ViewImage *img = m_view->distanceSensor2D();  
    char *buf = img->getBuffer();  
    // Width of the distance matrix
    int width = img->getWidth();

    // Height of the distance matrix
    int height = img->getHeight();

    // Horizontal angle (origin is direction of a camera)
    double phi = 0.0;

    // Vertical angle (origin is direction of a camera)
    double theta = 0.0;
    // Calculate of minimum distance in the distance matrix
    for(int i = 0; i < width; i++){  
      for(int j = 0; j < height; j++){
	int index = j *width + i;
	unsigned char tmp_distance = (unsigned char)buf[index];
	if(tmp_distance < distance){

	  // Calculate horizontal view angle phi(rad) from a index of pixel.
	  phi   = fovx*i/(width-1.0) - fovx/2.0;
	  // Calculate vertical view angle theta(rad) from a index of pixel.
	  theta = fovy*j/(height-1.0) - fovy/2.0;
	  distance = buf[index];  
    LOG_MSG(("phi = %.1f, theta = %.1f, distance = %d",phi, theta, distance));  

    // Chage the orientation if the distance is less than 100
    if(distance < 100){    
      my->setAxisAndAngle(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, (double)rand()/RAND_MAX * 2*PI, true);    
      // Save a range imagery at this moment
    delete img;  
  return 0.2;
extern "C" Controller * createController ()    
  return new RobotController;    


distanceSensor2D() gets the distance matrix.

In this sample, theta (vertical angle) and phi (horizontal angle) in polar coordinate are calculated from pixel position.

Use the following function to save the depth map image as well as captureView().


*** Edit of world file [#ie0b1fde]

***実行 [#taae64c5]
 $ cd ~/sigverse/bin
 $ ./sigserver.sh -p 9001 -w xml/distanceSensor.xml
 $ emacs distanceSensor.xml

Change the controller from distanceSensor1D.so to distanceSensor2D.so.

*** Execution [#s084d018]

Enter the following command to execute.

 $ sigserver.sh -w ./distanceSensor.xml

The depth map image will be created as shown below:



Further distance is shown by dark; shorter distance is shown by light.

*Old Version [#gadb4153]
-[[距離センサ(v120330, v1.4.8)]]

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