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*エージェントの衝突 [#faf7135a]

**コントローラ作成 [#b16b5ba2]
 $ cd ~/sigverse-<version>/bin/NewWorld
 $ emacs Colli.cpp
* Collision detection [#kb473d90]

A sample code in this tutorial make the agent detect collision event and turn around after the collision detection. 

** Creation of controller [#r1eb9ebf]

 $ cd ~/MyWorld
 $ emacs Collision.cpp


#include "Controller.h"
#include "ControllerEvent.h"
#include "Logger.h"
#include "math.h"

#define PI 3.141592
#define DEG2RAD(DEG) ( (PI) * (DEG) / 180.0 )

using namespace std;

class AgentController: public Controller {
  double onAction(ActionEvent &evt);

  void onInit(InitEvent &evt);

  // Callback function when the collision event happens
  void onCollision(CollisionEvent &evt);


  bool Colli;
  int Colli_cnt;
  bool   Colli;
  int    Colli_cnt;
  double vel;

void AgentController::onInit(InitEvent &evt)
  Colli = false;
  Colli_cnt = 0;

  // Velocity of the "robot_000"
  if(strstr(myname() , "000")!= NULL)
      vel = 5;

  // Velocity of the "robot_001"
  else  if(strstr(myname() , "001")!= NULL)
      vel = 7;
    vel = 0;

// Called when the collision is detected
void AgentController::onCollision(CollisionEvent &evt) {

  if (Colli == false && Colli_cnt == 0){

    const vector<string> & wname= evt.getWith();        // 衝突相手の名前を得る。
    const vector<string> & wparts = evt.getWithParts();  // 衝突した相手のパーツを得る
    const vector<string> & mparts = evt.getMyParts();    // 衝突した自分のパーツを得る
    const vector<string> & wname  = evt.getWith();       // Get a name of the other
    const vector<string> & wparts = evt.getWithParts();  // Get a parts name of the other's collision point
    const vector<string> & mparts = evt.getMyParts();    // Get a parts of collision point of myself

    for(int i = 0; i < wname.size(); i++)
      // Print the name of the other
      LOG_MSG(("\"%s\"", wname[i].c_str()));
      LOG_MSG(("\"%s\"", wparts[i].c_str()));
      LOG_MSG(("\"%s\"", mparts[i].c_str()));

      //LOG_MSG(("\"%s\"", myParts));
      SimObj *my = getObj(myname());

      // 自分のy軸周りの回転を得ます(クオータニオン)
      // Refer rotation (quaternion) around y-axis
      double qy = my->qy();

      // Calculate joint angle from the quaternion
      double theta = 2*asin(qy);

      double dy = theta + DEG2RAD(-180);
      if (dy <= -PI) {
        dy = -1*dy - PI;

      my->setAxisAndAngle(0, 1.0, 0, dy);
      Colli = true;
      Colli_cnt = 3;

double AgentController::onAction(ActionEvent &evt) {

  try {

    Controller * con;
    //SimObj *my1 = con->getObj(myname());
    SimObj *my = getObj(myname());

    // Position of myself
    double x = my->x();
    double y = my->y();
    double z = my->z();

    // Refer rotation (quaternion) around y-axis

    double qy = my->qy();

    // Calculate joint angle from the quaternion
    double theta = 2*asin(qy);

    double dx = 0;
    double dz = 0;

    // Determine the moving direction
    dx = sin(theta) * vel;
    dz = cos(theta) * vel;

    // Execute the movement
    my->setPosition( x + dx, y , z + dz );

    if (Colli_cnt > 0)
        if (--Colli_cnt <=0)
          Colli = false;

  } catch (SimObj::Exception &) {

  return 0.5;

extern "C" Controller * createController() {
  return new AgentController;


This controller displays the name of other's agent name if a collision event is detected. After the collision detection, the agent will change the moving direction (making U-turn).
The callback function onCollision is called in the collision event. The function onAction keeps going forward to the current direction.
In this world file, two agents appear and they have different velocity.

** World file [#mfe1a036]

Create a world file.

**世界ファイルの作成 [#v96d9bc1]
 $ cd ..
 $ emacs xml/ColliWorld.xml
 $ emacs ./CollisionWorld.xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
<world name="myworld8">

  <gravity x="0.0" y="-980.7" z="0.0"/>
  <instanciate class="Robot-nii.xml">
    <!-- Name of the first agent -->
    <set-attr-value name="name" value="robot_000"/>
    <set-attr-value name="language" value="c++"/>

    <!-- Controller file-->
    <set-attr-value name="implementation"
    <set-attr-value name="dynamics" value="false"/>

    <!-- Position of the first agent -->
    <set-attr-value name="x" value="90.0"/>
    <set-attr-value name="y" value="60.0"/>
    <set-attr-value name="z" value="-90.0"/>

    <!--エージェントの向き(x,y,z)  -->
    <!-- Direction of the first agent (x,y,z)  -->
    <set-attr-value name="qw" value="0.707"/>
    <set-attr-value name="qx" value="0.0"/>
    <set-attr-value name="qy" value="-0.707"/>
    <set-attr-value name="qz" value="0.0"/>

    <!--衝突判定を行うためcollisionフラグをtrueにします  -->
    <!-- Set the flag of collision detection function to true -->
    <set-attr-value name="collision" value="true"/>

  <instanciate class="Robot-nii.xml">
    <!-- Name of the second agent -->
    <set-attr-value name="name" value="robot_001"/>
    <set-attr-value name="language" value="c++"/>

    <!-- Controller file-->
    <set-attr-value name="implementation"
    <set-attr-value name="dynamics" value="false"/>

    <!-- Position of the second agent -->
    <set-attr-value name="x" value="30.0"/>
    <set-attr-value name="y" value="60.0"/>
    <set-attr-value name="z" value="-90.0"/>

    <!--エージェントの向き(x,y,z)  -->
    <!-- Orientation of the second agent (x,y,z)  -->
    <set-attr-value name="qw" value="0.707"/>
    <set-attr-value name="qx" value="0.0"/>
    <set-attr-value name="qy" value="-0.707"/>
    <set-attr-value name="qz" value="0.0"/>

    <!-- Set the flag of collision detection function to true -->
    <set-attr-value name="collision" value="true"/>

  <!-- Configuration of a human agent Man-nii -->
  <instanciate class="Man-nii.xml">

    <!-- Name of the avatar agent -->
    <set-attr-value name="name" value="man_000"/>
    <set-attr-value name="dynamics" value="false"/>

    <set-attr-value name="x" value="-60.0"/>
    <set-attr-value name="y" value="60.0"/>
    <set-attr-value name="z" value="-100.0"/>

    <!--エージェントの向き(x,y,z)  -->
    <!-- Orientation the avatar agent (x,y,z)  -->
    <set-attr-value name="qw" value="0.707"/>
    <set-attr-value name="qx" value="0.0"/>
    <set-attr-value name="qy" value="0.707"/>
    <set-attr-value name="qz" value="0.0"/>

    <!-- Set the flag of collision detection function to true -->
    <set-attr-value name="collision" value="true"/>

The two robot agents use the same controller "Collision.so"
The flag for collision detection should be set as "true" if you want to use the collision detection function.
Please be careful that the initial state of this flag is "false".

    <set-attr-value name="collision" value="true"/>
**実行 [#ge5926ae]

 $ ./sigserver.sh -w ColliWorld.xml -p 9001
** Execution [#h3ae0c35]

 $ ./sigserver.sh -w CollisionWorld.xml


Connect to the server with SIGViewer.

You will see two robots and a human avatar in the world. Let's push the start button to start the simulation.


First, a robot agent which stands in front of the human avatar will make U-turn after collides with the human avatar.


Next, the robots collide each other, then make U-turn.

After that, the two robots will repeat the U-turn behavior.


* Addtion of attribute [#g0d29843]

*属性の追加 [#i5f76bfa]
In the above controller samples, two velocity values are set to two robot agents respectively.
It is a little bit troublesome to change the velocity because the compilation is required.
So, the following section introduces how to change the velocity using attribution in the worldfile.

**エンティティファイルの編集 [#xcda9213]
** Modification of entity file [#t32fe4bf]

 $ emacs -nw xml/Robot-nii.xml
First, copy the original file to your working space.

 $ cp ~/sigverse-<version>/share/sigverse/data/xml/Robot-nii.xml .

Edit the configuration of the robot agent.

 $ emacs ./Robot-nii.xml

Add the following line.

 <attr name="vel" type="double" group="velocity" value="0.0"/>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
 <define-class name="Robot" inherit="Agent.xml">
   <set-attr-value name="scalex" value="0.7"/>
   <set-attr-value name="scaley" value="0.7"/>
   <set-attr-value name="scalez" value="0.7"/>
   <!-- 属性"vel"を追加 -->
   <!-- Add an attribution "vel" -->
   <attr name="vel" type="double" group="velocity" value="0.0"/>

**世界ファイルの編集 [#l72a2513]
** Modification of the world file [#wb4c4814]

Next, set velocity values in the world file.

 $ emacs xml/ColliWorld.xml
 $ emacs CollisionWorld.xml


Add the line

      <set-attr-value name="vel" value="5.0"/>

after the line which sets the the attribution of "robot_000"

  <!--衝突判定を行うためcollisionフラグをtrueにします  -->  
   <set-attr-value name="collision" value="true"/> 
    <!-- Set the flag of collision detection function to true -->
    <set-attr-value name="collision" value="true"/>
    <set-attr-value name="vel" value="5.0"/>

      <set-attr-value name="vel" value="5.0"/>
Add the following one line at set of attribution for "robot_001" as well as the above way.


     <set-attr-value name="vel" value="7.0"/>

**コントローラの編集 [#v237b73a]
** Modification of controller [#hea86854]

Since the velocity is already set by the world file, remove the setting of velocity as follows:

 $ cd NewWorld
 $ emacs Colli.cpp
 $ emacs Collision.cpp



 void AgentController::onInit(InitEvent &evt)
   Colli = false;
   Colli_cnt = 0; 
  // Velocity of the "robot_000"
  if(strstr(myname() , "000")!= NULL)
      vel = 5;
  // Velocity of the "robot_001"
  else  if(strstr(myname() , "001")!= NULL)
    vel = 7;
    vel = 0;


void AgentController::onInit(InitEvent &evt)
   Colli = false;
   Colli_cnt = 0;
  // Refer the velocity
  SimObj *my = getObj(myname());
  vel = my->getAttr("vel").value().getDouble();

 $ make
After the compilation, the velocity could be set by the worldfile.

 $ ./sigmake.sh Collision.cpp

Please test the behavior of the controller file and the world file.

*謝辞 [#ad94a306]


*Old Version [#cf12fda7]
-[[エージェントの衝突(v120330, v1.4.8)]]
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