
*** 国際会議 [#x4f58b2d]

- Tetsunari Inamura and Jeffrey Too Chuan Tan: "Development of RoboCup @Home Simulator: Simulation platform that enables long-term large scale HRI," in the Proc. of 8th Conf. on Human-Robot Interaction, 2013.
- Jeffrey Too Chuan Tan and Tetsunari Inamura: "Integration of Work Sequence and Embodied Interaction for Collaborative Work Based Human-Robot Interaction," in the Proc. of 8th Conf. on Human-Robot Interaction, 2013.
- Tetsunari Inamura and Jeffrey Too Chuan Tan: "Long-term Large Scale Human-Robot Interaction Platform through Immersive VR System --Development of RoboCup @Home Simulator--," Proc. of IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, 2012.
- Jeffrey Too Chuan Tan and Tetsunari Inamura: "Multimodal Human-Robot Interaction with Chatterbot System: Extending AIML towards Supporting Embodied Interactions," in the Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, 2012.
- Jeffrey Too Chuan Tan and Tetsunari Inamura: "SIGVerse - a Cloud Computing Architecture Simulation Platform for Social Human-Robot Interaction," in the Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp.1310-1315, 2012.
- Jeffrey Too Chuan TAN, Tetsunari Inamura and Tamio Arai, "Design for Collaboration: Human-Robot Collaboration in Assembly," in the Proc. of 4th CIRP Conference On Assembly Technologies And Systems, pp.155-159, 2012.
- Jeffrey Too Chuan Tan and Tetsunari Inamura: "Extending Chatterbot System into Multimodal Interaction Framework with Embodied Contextual Understanding," in the Proc. of the 7th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, pp.251-252, 2012.
- Jeffrey Too Chuan Tan and Tetsunari Inamura: "What Are Required to Simulate Interaction with Robot? SIGVerse - A Simulation Platform for Human-Robot Interaction," in the Proc. of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, pp.2878-2883, 2011.
- Tetsunari Inamura: "Human-Robot Cooperation system using Shared Cyber Space that connects to Real World," in the Proc. of 1st International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications, pp.429-434, 2011.
- Tetsunari Inamura et al: "Simulator platform that enables social interaction simulation --SIGVerse: SocioIntelliGenesis simulator--," in the Proc. of IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, pp.212-217, 2010. (Best Paper Finalist Award)

*** 国内会議 [#e3fcec32]
- 2009-05-26 [[日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会>Robomec2009]]
- 2009-06-11 国立情報学研究所オープンハウス
- 2009-06-18 [[人工知能学会全国大会>JSAIConf2009]]
- 2009-10-11 IEEE/RSJ Int'l Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systemsの Workshop on Mobiligence: Social Adaptive Functions in Animals and Multi-Agent Systemsでの招待講演
- 2010-03-03 デジタルヒューマンシンポジウム2010での招待講演(稲邑哲也:SIGVerse:社会的知能発生学シミュレータ~身体的運動・認知と社会的コミュニケーションの統合システム~)
- 2010-03-09 情報処理学会創立50周年記念全国大会「今ドキッのIT」におけるSIGVerseのデモンストレーション



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