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*Creating our first simulation :A falling virtual object . [#c6d40ee5]

In this simulation dynamics is added to a virtual object which causes it to fall down due to gravity . The virtual object used here is the model of penguin.

**Directory Structure  [#fea2aba6]

Here we represent the structure of the directories of the Sigverse package that is installed on your system .

       |     +----sigverse       
                     |     |----xml
                     |     +----shape

First step is to create a directory that will be your workspace.

※In this tutorial , we set up our workspace in the directory  the sigverse-<version> / bin.

**Creating an agent controller [#b9411488]

***What is controller ? [#x6bb25d1]

This section has to be written.

***Create a simple agent controller. [#g8b3d053]

An agent is an object upon which the autonomous operation is performed in the virtual world. We create our agent controller in the workspace directory that will created in  sigverse-<version>/bin

 $ mkdir NewWorld 
 $ cd NewWorld

Creating our agent controller named MoveController.cpp using some editor e.g Vi or Emacs . We chose emacs . 

 $ emacs MoveController.cpp

 #include "Controller.h"
 #include "Logger.h"
 //Declare MoveController as a sublclass of Controller.

 class MoveController : public Controller {
  // Declare "onAction" for the use of periodic processing

   double onAction(ActionEvent&);
 double MoveController::onAction(ActionEvent &evt) {
   return 5.0;      // return the time , when onAction will be called next time
 // Return an instance of itself to Sigverse

 extern "C" Controller * createController() {
      return new MoveController;

※ファイル保存時にコードシステムを聞かれたら今後すべてutf-8を指定してください。( could not translate )

Basically, the agent controller creates a class named "MoveController" by inheriting Contoroller class .  onAction function is called every 5 seconds does nothing. 

**Compiling [#hf0f4b09]

Create a makefile for compiling the code we have created.

 $ emacs Makefile

 #Specifying the location of Sigverse header files
 SIG_SRC  = /home/<username>/sigverse-<version>/include/sigverse
 #Specify the object file
 OBJS     = MoveController.so
 all: $(OBJS)
 ./%.so: ./%.cpp
         g++ -DCONTROLLER -DNDEBUG -DUSE_ODE -DdDOUBLE -I$(SIG_SRC) -I$(SIG_SRC)/comm/controller  -fPIC -shared -o $@   $<

※<username> and 、<version> has to be adjusted to your username and sigverse you are using . To remind yourself the <version> of your Sigverse please look at the directory sigverse-<version> .

Note :  In front of 'g++ -DCONTROLLER' line please remove the whitespaces and insert a TAB. otherwise you may get the following error 

--missing separator (did you mean TAB instead of 8 spaces?).  Stop. 

Run make 

 $ make

On successful make MoveController.so file should be created , which we can be verfied using "ls" command .

 $ ls
 Makefile  MoveController.cpp  MoveController.so
**Creating a world file [#j3bf1bf8]

*** What is a world file ? [#dc85d86d]

World file describes the configuration of the virtual world including the configuration of agent . We describe the configuration in XML format.

The location of world files is : sigverse-<version>/share/sigverse/data/xml

 $ cd ~/sigverse-<version>/share/sigverse/data/xml
 $ emacs NewWorld.xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
 <world name="myworld1">
 <!--Set Gravity-->
   <gravity x="0.0" y="-9.8" z="0.0"/>  
 <!--Create an instance of the agent seToy_D -->
   <instanciate class="seToy_D.xml">
 <!--Naming the agent as Toy_D -->
         <set-attr-value name="name" value="Toy_D"/>  
 <!--Specifying the language of agent controller as C++-->
         <set-attr-value name="language" value="c++"/> 
 <!--Specify the created Agent Controller and its location -->
         <set-attr-value name="implementation"
 <!--Set the flag for Dynamics calculation as True-->
         <set-attr-value name="dynamics" value="true"/>
 <!--Set the initial position of the agent (x,y,z)-->
         <set-attr-value name="x" value="0.0"/>
         <set-attr-value name="y" value="18.0"/>
         <set-attr-value name="z" value="5.0"/>
 <!--specify the mass of the agent-->
         <set-attr-value name="mass" value="1.0"/>

The world file reads thefile seToy_D.xml as an agent. Shape files of various agents and entities (x3d, wrl files) are placed in sigverse-<version>/share/sigverse/data/shapes. The xml file is prepared to use the shapes. We specify the programming language of the  agent controller and attached it to the agent in world file. The flag to simulate "dynamics" was set to "true" .

Specifying the controller and its location within workspace directory
        <set-attr-value name="implementation" value="./NewWorld/MoveController.so"/>

The script sigserver.sh is used to run the simulation and it placed in sigverse-<version>/bin directory . Since our workspace directory "NewWorld" is located in sigverse-<version>/bin , we have written the relative path for the agent controller.    You may need to write the full path depending on the placement of your workspace directory.

**Starting the si[#i190b28d]

The shell script sigserver.sh is located at sigverse-<version>/bin . You reduce the need of changing directories , we can add it to our path.

 $ export PATH=$PATH:/home/<username>/sigverse-<version>/bin

Moving to the directory where execution is located

 $ cd ~/sigverse-<version>/bin
 $ ./sigserver.sh -w NewWorld.xml -p 9001
 [SYS]  waiting for connection...
 [SYS]  Controller attached to "Toy_D"
 [SYS] connected
 [SYS]  Toy_D : dataport
 [SYS] connected


Since the agent controller is specified in the xml file you just created, the agent "Toy_D" starts automatically with attached controller.  

Open Sigviewer and enter the host name and port number to connect to  the Simserver . Please use the button "Connect to SimServer" by single click.


World position for the agent Toy_D is described in the file as (0.0, 18.0, 5.0) . You can verify it . The height is in they direction  in SIGVerse.

Start the simulation by using the framework of SIM_CTRL_CMD and the menu option START and press the button "Send" 


The simulation starts, you can confirm that the agent (toy_D) falls to the ground and bounces.

*Move agents[#z54adf9a]

We make some changes in the agent controller MoveController.cpp so that agent can move upon application of force.

 $ cd NewWorld
 $ emacs MoveController.cpp

Add the following code in agent controller.


 double MoveController::onAction(ActionEvent &evt) {
   return 5.0;      //returns the time for onAction to be called next.

 double MoveController::onAction(ActionEvent &evt) {
   SimObj *obj = getObj(myname());  //obtaining handle to the agent
   obj->setForce(0,0,300);         //apply the force 300[N] in Z direction
   return 5.0;      //returns the time for onAction to be called next.

Compile and Run

 $ make
 $ cd ..
 $ ./sigserver.sh -w NewWorld.xml -p 9001

If you check SIGViewer, you can see agent moving in the z-direction where force is applied to the agent once every five seconds .


It would be a fun exercise to use the following functions as well.


*物理演算用の形状、大きさ、位置の設定 [#n6779cdb]
物理演算で用いるオブジェクトの形状は見た目の形状と異なり、sphere,cube, cylinderで近似されています。デフォルトでは見た目と大体同じ形状、大きさに設定されていますが、これらを設定ファイルで修正することができます。

**設定ファイル修正 [#ofb6b204]
 $ cd ~/sigverse-<version>/share/sigverse/data/xml
 $ emacs seToy_D.xml

  <body filename="dummy-body.xml"/>

***box [#b90fa015]

  <simpleShape type="box">
    <position x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
    <size sx="10" sy="10" sz="10"/>

***sphere [#f0404294]

  <simpleShape type="sphere">
    <position x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
    <size r="10"/>

***cylinder [#z94a7687]

  <simpleShape type="cylinder">
    <position x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
    <size r="3" h="10"/>


**実行 [#r537a2f8]

*単位系 [#c72a1e70]


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