[[Tutorial using ROS for ver.3]]

* Execute Cleanup task with HSR [#hsr_cleanup]

** Startup Procedure [#ndf2ca80]

Start the Ubuntu side and then the Windows side.

*** Ubuntu side startup procedure [#qd09b4ab]

Open a new terminal and run the following command:
 $ roslaunch sigverse_hsr_teleop_key teleop_key.launch

To start rviz, execute the following command.
 $ roslaunch sigverse_hsr_teleop_key teleop_key_with_rviz.launch

*** Windows startup procedure [#t197903c]

Start the [Assets/SIGVerse/SampleScenes/HSR/HsrCleanup(.unity)] scene with reference to [[here>Tutorial using ROS for ver.3#open_scene]].
Start the [Assets/SIGVerse/ExampleScenes/HSR/HsrCleanup(.unity)] scene with reference to [[here>Tutorial using ROS for ver.3#open_scene]].

** Run [#v04386d7]

You can control HSR by keyboard operation on the teleop_key.launch terminal.

This example is a task to grasp one of the objects on the desk and carry it somewhere. ~
When "1" is entered, task message is sent from Unity to ROS. ~
When "2" is entered, the human avatar will tell you what to grasp and where to carry it by pointing. ~
Please operate the robot to grasp and carry the target object. ~
If the cleanup task is successful, "Task Finished" is displayed.

~* Check the terminal for details of the operation.

If you want to finish, stop the Unity side and then the ROS side.

Ubuntu side

Windows side

''Reference Video'' ~

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