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Creating the 3dof planar robot

Creating the shape of robot using the OpenHRP format explained here:

Follow this tutorial Using OpenHRP Format


Create the XML file for the robot.


Create the world file


Creating Inverse kinematics module using Python Robot Toolbox.

Note: Ideally you can put your python scripts and modules anywhere on the disk, as far as you set your PYTHONPATH variable correctly. In this tutorial, we place them in our workspace.


Creating the Controller for robot.

This controller


Creating the controller for object

placing the cube on end endeffor of the robot.

Creating the makefile

Then type on console to compile the code:


Now, you need to set the library path using.

Then, load the xml file using sigviewer:

    $sigserver.sh -w ./DynamicsController.xml 

After the world loads, push "Start Button" to see the results of python code.

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